/ How to remove bruises on the face

How to remove bruises on the face

how to clean bruises
Many at least once in their lives come across such aan unpleasant problem, like a bruise on his face. Alas, on the face unlike other sites of a body, not always so simply to cover from excessive attention the damaged place. That is why many people have a question, how quickly to get rid of a bruise on the face.

The first action - to the injured placeit is necessary to attach a cold metal object or ice. Due to this, the vessels narrow, correspondingly, the flow of blood to the damaged area will decrease - and the bruise will not be so great.

If you could not avoid appearing a bruise, and youcontinues to worry about the problem of how to remove bruises, the following way of getting rid of it should be applied. To the injured place, warm compresses should be applied. It can be a warmed up and wrapped in a cotton pouch salt or a bottle of warm water. You can replace the compresses with a warming pepper patch. These methods will help to quickly dissolve the bruise.

how to get rid of bruises on the face
In solving the problem, how to remove bruises will helpleaves of cabbage. The leaf of this vegetable should be crumpled to make a juice out of it and attach it to the bruise. You can also apply leaves of plantain, mother-and-stepmother, burdock and birch leaves.

Compresses from raw potatoes will also help those,who thought about the question of how to remove bruises on his face. To do this, potatoes should be rubbed through a grater and a potato gruel is applied for 10 minutes to the place of bruise. The procedure should be repeated several times a day.

Another recipe for a fasterresorption of the bruise can serve as follows: from the powder bought in the pharmacy and water and warm water should be prepared gruel in a ratio of 2: 1. This gruel is applied to the place of bruise and is replaced every time with a new portion, when the mass begins to dry out. Just do not abuse this way to avoid other skin conditions.

how quickly to get rid of a bruise on the face
That in the future you do not have a question, howget rid of bruises on your face, you should get effective ointments from bruises and injuries in the pharmacy. Such ointments are "Heparin", "Troxevasin". With frequent application they will contribute to the rapid disappearance of the bruise. You can also use other drugs that contain heparin or pentoxifylline, which have a good resolving power.

Good restorative drugs are consideredointment "Rescuer", gels "Indovazin" and "Lyoton". Their use is also great for solving the problem of how to remove bruises on the face. In addition to these preparations, the gel "Bruise-off" serves as a good masking and healing agent, which is made on the basis of plant extracts and pentoxifylline. For complex treatment (together with the listed ointments) it is recommended to take vitamin C and tablets, which contain vitamin P-rutin.

After a bruise, do not take painkillersdrugs that dilute blood and lead to an increase in bruising: aspirin or acetaminophen. Also it is necessary to refuse for this time from the use of alcoholic drinks, as they cause the expansion of blood vessels.

If you use all of the above methods, the problem of the bruise will be resolved in the shortest possible time.

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