/ / How to get rid of the smell of garlic before an important meeting

How to get rid of the smell of garlic before an important meeting

You have just tasted an appetizing dish with an abundance ofspices, and suddenly there is a need for an important meeting. How to get rid of the smell of garlic before going on a date or business negotiations? There are effective ways, the 10 most famous are given in this article.

To answer the question how to get rid ofsmell of garlic, it is important to understand why this presents such complexity. There can be two reasons for the stability of the fragrance. The first is a piece of garlic left in the mouth between the teeth. It is enough to conduct a thorough cleaning - and the source of the aroma is eliminated. The second reason is more serious: the human body is not able to absorb some of the components that make up garlic. They enter into the blood, with blood - into the lungs, and from the lungs as many as 72 hours stand out together with the breath. Naturally, it acquires a specific flavor.

The only one hundred percent way to get rid offrom the smell of garlic - this time. But not always it is, so you can try the time and people tried means. By the way, they are all effective against onion aroma.

  1. Spices. In the first place in the list of fragrant greens - parsley. Its wide availability and high chlorophyll level in the leaves makes this seasoning the number one respirator created by nature itself to smell the garlic odor from the mouth. Special preparation of parsley does not require, it is enough just to chew the twig. In its absence, other spices and herbs will also suit: cardamom and mint, clove ginger, basil or dill.
  2. Lemon juice. You can use both freshly squeezed and canned lemon juice. Also a slice of lemon or even peel. The effect is noticeable immediately - the garlic smell is replaced by citrus aroma. In addition to lemon, you can use orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, etc.
  3. Hot green tea. The cup of the drink will wash away the essential oil of garlic, which is stored on the teeth and in the mouth.
  4. Tea with mint. Also a good option. In principle, any hot tea can become an answer to the question of how to get rid of the smell of garlic, but it is the mint that works better.
  5. Tablets with mint. Will not get rid of the aroma of spices, but will disguise it for a while. If you have enough of this effect, you can use this method.
  6. Very very menthol chewing gum. She will clean her mouth of bits of garlic and break his scent. The main thing is not to start sneezing uncontrollably from the abundance of menthol, after all it is quite a strong allergen.
  7. Teeth cleaning. Classics of the genre. Not always there is such possibility, however if it is - be sure to use. Cleansing for three minutes, repeatedly reduces the unpleasant odor. And if you additionally use a rinse aid, the effect will be excellent.
  8. Stainless steel. As strange as it may seem, hold a stainless steel spoon in your mouth and you will see that it works. If the fingers smell, rub them on the sink or mixer made from such material - the smell will become weaker. What's the secret? The molecules of the metal destroy the molecules of the essential oil, so the aroma is neutralized.
  9. Another public answer to the question howget rid of the smell of garlic from the mouth, it's salt or soda. Mix both these ingredients with water and use as a rinse solution. After washing your hands with this compound, you will not give a chance to linger on the fragrance and fingers.
  10. Air fresheners in sprays that are sold inpharmacies and stores. Not everyone can defeat a strong smell. Usually on the jar there is an inscription that the remedy is used against garlic and onions, then you can get a "pshikalku" - it will come in handy.

If it turns out that one way does not save the situation, try combining several to get a hundred percent freshness as a result.

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