/ How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?

Cats are cute creatures, similar to fluffy living creaturestoys. But, unfortunately some people, cats, like all other living things, have physiological needs. Especially a lot of unpleasant moments for most people brings feline urine. It has a pronounced smell, which is even stronger during the period of mating games. It is during this period that cats tend to mark the territory, that is, to ignore the tray with a special filler.

Have you noticed that in some apartments, wherelive cats, there is a hideous heavy smell, while in the dwellings of other cat owners there is no specific smell? The whole point is how well the owner knows how to take care of the pet. Cats are naturally clean, and if the animal is healthy, the tray contains a clean filler, and the owner respects the emotional needs of the cat (yes, do not be surprised) and pays enough time to stroke a small predator, the problem of how to get rid of the smell of cat urine, simply does not arise.

So it happened that in my apartment always livesat least one four-legged clawed and tailed representative of the cat family. And over the past four years, there have been three such residents at the same time. First, a cat from a decent family settled in my house, castrated on time. Problems with the administration of natural needs, he did not arise, and the question of how to get rid of the smell of cat urine, I was not bothered. Since we adhered to the correct regime and diet of feeding, often sand was changed in the tray, in time it was scratched and stroked its fuzzy, Mursik was healthy, and we are happy.

And then one day they gave us a very smallkitten - Tofik, whom I eventually planned to castrate, and my husband was categorically against the execution ... But only until the baby grew and began to diligently mark the territory. We for a long time solved the problem of how to get rid of the smell of cat urine. In the course were all the known home remedies: diluted vinegar, synthetic detergents, pink solution of potassium permanganate, iodine solution (20 drops / liter of water). The most difficult task was how to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the carpet and wallpaper: if the carpet could be cleaned without damaging its appearance with foam from the laundry soap, then the wallpaper in some places has faded over time.

To castrate a cat it was a pity, but when it was necessaryto move to an apartment for an elderly relative requiring care, a difficult decision was made. Tofiq was taken to a clinic where an operation was carried out according to all the rules. Since then, the problem of how to get rid of the smell of cat urine, did not arise.

And one day a very independenthomeless kitten. He did not ask whether the owners would invite him to enter the house. He himself went in, ignoring the indignant hissing of Mursik, who always considered himself the most important in the family. The newcomer surveyed the kitchen, checked the cat's bowls, what they fed, found out where the tray of sand was, and settled. Interestingly, he never tried to go out into the street (evidently, he had a hard time there). We called him Zaichik for a gray smoky coat. And now, with his appearance, the question of how to get rid of the smell of urine on the carpet, has again gained relevance. The fact is that the cat, apparently, during his street wanderings caught a cold. Because of problems with the kidneys began to cope with a small need for carpet and upholstered furniture, while plaintively meowing. I had to take the cat to the clinic for injections and lavages, to feed the special pills prescribed by the doctor, and also to buy the Zoosan remedy to clean the stains on the carpet and sofa. When Zaychik recovered, he stopped violating the rules of cat hygiene adopted in our apartment.

Some cat owners recommend "Bio-G", "Cleansan", "DesoSan", "Urine Off" to get rid of the smell of cat urine. Applying synthetic drugs, be sure to follow the instructions.

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