/ / Carnation in turkey


At the present time, you can meet a carnationpractically in every garden. And this is not surprising. After all, with the help of this charming flower gardeners ennoble their own plots. Carnation flowers create spectacular lush curbs, become a motley accent on the flowerbed and alpine hills.

The name of this plant from twoGreek words "Di" and "anthos", the first of which in translation means Zeus (God), and the second - a flower. Therefore, this name can be translated as a flower of Zeus or as a divine flower.

If we consider flowers in general, cloves in thisdiversity is precisely the plant that possesses a huge number of valuable properties. In addition, it is characterized by generous flowering, an abundance of shapes and variegated shades. Flowers themselves can be as large (their diameter sometimes reaches several centimeters), and very small (pinnate cloves).

About 300 of its species are known today. And in a place of honor among such a variety is deserved is a carnation Turkish, which has a pleasant aroma. It is grown as a biennial. First (in the first year) only a rosette of leaves is formed. But this species is already pleased with abundant flowering in the second year.

If we talk about the method of cultivation, then plantthese flowers can be directly planted directly into the soil, and through seedlings. Before sowing (in order to avoid plant diseases) it is recommended to sow the soil with hot (by all means!) Solution of potassium permanganate.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is necessary in March orin the beginning of April. But to sow already in the open ground it is necessary not earlier than May or even June. In this case, a 5x5 cm scheme is used. To achieve good results, mulch sowing should be carried out. For this, sand and wood ash must be mixed in equal parts.

Shoots should be dived. But the young Turkish carnation is already planted at the end of the summer on pre-prepared sites. In this case, you must adhere to a distance of 25 cm between plants. After the second year, the bushes formed in the first year reach a height of about 50 cm. By mid-June, large fragrant inflorescences appear.

Carnation and vegetative reproduction also multipliesway. For this, the shoots of the variety you like in early August are bent to the ground, fixed with studs and sprinkled with soil. Peg the upper end of the stem to the peg to ensure its permanent vertical position.

After about 2-3 weeks in such nodesroots are formed, and after a certain time, leaves, and then shoots. And the already rooted shoots from the mother plant are cut off in autumn and planted.

In addition, the carnation of Turkey reproduces andCuttings that are cut from stems that do not form inflorescences. Sown in the first year, they turn into shrubs up to 10 cm high by the second year. They can be safely planted in the fall.

Such flowers grow not only in the sun. Not bad, they feel themselves in the penumbra. To the type of soil are not fastidious. Although they develop better in light loam, where weakly acidic or neutral reaction predominates. Carnations are planted in separate groups.

These flowers require little maintenance. But the greatest danger for them are various pests, among which, as a rule, a spider mites or aphids. Therefore, if they are detected, immediate action must be taken.

To do this, use the infusionpotato leaves. Within 36 hours you need to infuse 1 kg of fresh (green) or 0.5 kg of dry leaves (certainly with leaves) in 10 liters of water. Then it is necessary to add a liquid soap (1 liters). Sprinkle better in the evening or in the morning.

But the Turkish carnation can be exposedattacks of mice. To save the plant, it is necessary in the course of rodents near the plantings to spread the poisoned lures. And in winter (especially during the thaw period) it should be compacted, trampled down by the trunks of plants.

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