/ / Chinese carnation is an oriental guest in our garden

Chinese carnation is an oriental guest in our garden

At present it is difficult to find a manor without flowers. If in the recent past, every centimeter of the plot was occupied by vegetables, berry fruits and fruit trees, now the flower gardens have won their place. A variety of plants, bright, with decorative forms, decorate the plots. Frequent guests in the garden are carnations. These flowers of the clove family number more than 300 species. A perennial plant, distinguished by its beautiful flowering, is called "the flower of the gods" in Greek.

Chinese carnation

Among varieties of carnations, it is possible to distinguish such varieties as Chinese, Turkish, pinnate or Hungarian.

Chinese carnation, the birthplace of which issuch countries as China, the southern part of the Primorsky Territory and Japan - a perennial plant that appeared in Russia at the beginning of the eighteenth century. But gardeners grow it as an annual culture. It is distinguished by a wide variety of forms.

Carnation Chinese terry
Depending on the variety,plants are small or tall, their height varies from 20 to 40 centimeters. The Chinese carnation has bright flowers, which differ in color, size and structure. Delicate petals with carved jagged edges can reach a diameter of 8 centimeters. The structure of the flower can be simple or complex. Especially beautiful carnation Chinese terry. The color range of the flower is different. These are bright buds of white, pink and red shades. Different varieties have a certain color. It can be monochrome or bicolour. Bright flowers blend perfectly with lanceolate leaves of green or bluish colors.

Carnation chinese

Carnation chinese - light-loving plant. However, flowers of this variety can be grown in conditions of partial shade on light permeable soils. Possessing good drought-resistant qualities, they do not tolerate overmoistening. The advantage of the colors of this variety is their good cold resistance. Adult plants withstand minor frosts.

Propagation of cloves with seeds. Preference is given to seedlings. The crops are carried out in late March - early April. When growing seedlings in a room, heated or film greenhouses at temperatures from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius shoots will please their appearance after 6 days. Plants are developing rapidly. In the phase of two real leaves, they should be dug into small pots or spacious containers.

In May, with the establishment of warm weather, the Chinesecloves are transplanted to a permanent place in the open ground. It is placed in flower beds at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other. The first time the plants are covered with film or covering material.

Chinese carnation does not require special care. It consists of regular moderate watering, loosening of the soil, removal of weed grass. For normal development and good flowering, the plant is fed with a complex mineral fertilizer. At the end of July it is slightly pruned, which allows to prolong flowering.

Chinese carnation

Chinese carnation is considered universalplant. It is grown not only as a garden ornament, but also for cutting, for flower arrangements and bouquets. Low-grown varieties feel great in enclosed spaces. Comfortably located on the balconies and loggias of city apartments, they will bloom at an air temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. Also, when indoor growing cloves will require bright lighting and moderate watering.

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