/ / Tapestry for climbing plants with their own hands. Supports for climbing roses and grapes

Tapestry for climbing plants with their own hands. Supports for climbing roses and grapes

That curly cultures grow normallyvertically, you need a support. Tapestry for climbing plants with their own hands is easy. It is installed anywhere. Tapestry can be removed when the summer season has come to an end.


Tapestry for cucumbers, raspberries, roses or grapes has varieties. A person should get acquainted with them and determine what will suit him. Supports are:

  1. Single-plane. These are various gratings, partitions, fences.
  2. Two-plane. It can be balconies, arches.

The first type is best chosen for small areas,young shrubs. Bushes, which are very large, the second option is suitable. With the help of a two-plane trellis, you can save space, provide an excellent harvest.

Material of manufacture

Most often, a tree is used for a trellis rack. It is made of racks or material of a planed type. Not only wood is used, there are also metal, plastic, forged, bamboo trellises. Sometimes a conventional wire is used for the construction.

trellis veneer

The material should be resistant to corrosion, carry different weather conditions. After all, the design is not hidden, but is under the open sky. Of course, if it is not placed in a greenhouse.

Shape of wooden structures

For the planned design it is important to choosethe correct form. Wooden trellis are better to do square or rectangular. The shape should be cellular. The design will be stronger if the cells are smaller. It is recommended to combine cells of different sizes: first to make large, and then small.

To trellis for climbing plants with their own hands was performed as qualitatively as possible, add metal staples, corners. They are placed at the junction of the rails.

The two-plane frame should be more than 2.5 cm in thickness. This allows us to serve as a support for plants of any kind. Such trellises for roses can be made without attaching to walls.

Shape of structures from other materials

trellis cucumber
Tapestry for climbing plants, with their own handsmade of plastic, wire and metal, can be of various shapes. It is made arc-shaped, fan-shaped, horizontal, S-shaped, sliding, hipped. Such designs replace many decorated elements, are intended for suburban areas. With the help of trellises make the vineyards of dreams. You should pay attention to varieties of plants, because sometimes you will need the use of special forms.

Requirements for supports

Tapestry for climbing plants with their own hands creates a solid, stable, one that could withstand a strong wind. Allocate such requirements to the constructed support:

  • it is required to arrange a foundation or deep dig in the supports of the structure;
  • climbing plants must climb on a rough surface, otherwise they will not be able to hold on.

Support yourself

trellis for raspberry
Roses that weave, very harmoniously look at the metal structures made in the form of a column. It is not difficult to build such a support. This is done as follows.

  1. Fill the foundation of concrete.
  2. Install 4 pins of metal.
  3. They need to weld the transverse rings, which are made of thick wire.
  4. In the end, this support will be braided by roses. It can be other plants. Sometimes the support is decorated, made, for example, in the form of the Eiffel Tower, the crossbar is openwork.
  5. The made design is well fixed on the surface.

Sometimes tapestries for raspberries, grapes, cucumbers and other wicker plants are done in a more complicated way. This requires:

  • beams from a tree in the size 0,3х3 sm;
  • drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • beams of round shape;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • antiseptic mixture;
  • dowels (diameter at the same time is 9 cm);
  • screwdriver;
  • brushes, paint;
  • glue that glues wood.

trellis at the cottage
Tapestry in the country is mainly done in the form ofrectangle, so for the construction of the required boards, which form the frame. Usually take two-meter uneven bars. The frame is assembled, longitudinal bars are attached. The distance between them is determined depending on the plant, which the structure will support. Between the constructed crossbeams, cross wooden bars are attached.

It is required that the beams are well pressed againstcrossbeams. Because of this, small incisions are made by the chisel. In order to fasten the wooden elements, waterproof glue is used. Sometimes use self-tapping screws, this allows to strengthen the structure. While trellis for cucumbers, grapes, raspberries or other plants is prepared, as the glue has to dry, a wall is chosen where it will be fastened. Then mark the place of attachment, drill the holes for the dowels.

The construction itself must be impregnated with antisepticliquids, this will create protection from insects and increased moisture. Tapestries for raspberries, grapes, cucumbers and other plants can be painted. The color is chosen at its own discretion. Also there is another option: varnish coating.

After the work done, the trellis is mounted on the wall. It is used as a support for any plants that twist.

Facility for grapes

In the case when the grapes are planted not near the house, butaway from it, for example, in the garden, it is necessary to approach the construction of the structure in a different way. If small plants are to be placed on the trellis, low supports are used to facilitate their growth. But the grapes are gradually growing, after which small structures are unable to withstand it. Because of this, stronger tapestries are made, for example, using wire.

trellis for roses
To do this, construct two supports, deep them, 60cm, are buried. A wire is stretched between them. Supports make a thickness of about 15 cm, and in height they should rise by 2.3 m, or even more. Between the pillars there is a different length, it is about 2.5 m. Additional supports are also fastened, the thickness of which depends on the stems of the plant. By the way, to make the grapes grow better, the trellis is sent to the south.

To build a prop yourself, betteruse strong wood such as oak or ash. In addition, mulberry, acacia, chestnut are often used, since these tree species are quite hard. But birch, alder and poplar are not advised to use. The support from these trees will be unreliable. For construction, wet or young wood is not suitable, since the material must be dry.

It is recommended to use a tree thatcleaned from the top layer, treated with antiseptic mixtures. It is wrapped with a special waterproofing material. Ideally suitable wire with zinc coating, as it serves for a long time and looks aesthetically pleasing. The lowest row is attached at a height of half a meter above the ground, and the next rows are stretched at the same distance from each other. Such a design is usually 3-4 rows of wire.

garden trellis
Used for support and metal, concrete columns. Metal structures do not differ in size from wooden supports. To make holes for fastening the wire, you need to drill holes. In this case, you can not apply braces, as was done with wood. But these tapestries should not be used if the grapes have grown enormously. It will be necessary to build two-plane structures, but they are heavily manufactured.

Interesting solutions

For plants that do not grow very high, for example,for cucumber, you can use simple supports. For this it is sufficient to drive pegs into the ground near each plant, and pull rope up from them. Cucumber can stretch upward in such structures. Also in such situations, plastic supports are often used. But it is worth considering that they are not able to withstand heavy plants.

It is important to know

The support for the grapes needs to be approached carefully, since with the right construction it will be of great benefit. It is necessary to take into account some rules, so that the design will last a long time.

metal trellises
It is important to know:

  1. Place the supports for grapes from the north to the south. Do it so that the bushes are illuminated by the sun from both sides equally.
  2. Periodically, it is necessary to process steel parts with a tool that fights against corrosion. Wooden elements are treated with drugs that destroy the fungus.
  3. Tapestries can be deformed or sag. To prevent this, reinforcements are made using transverse axes and crossbeams.

Supports can last a long time, at the same timebring only benefits to plants. For this it is required to spend more time on their construction, to include imagination, to implement all measures of protection of the material that was used. In this case, the vineyard will please its owner, bear fruit, develop for a long time. Consider many factors in the manufacture of supports for other climbing plants.

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