/ / Reliable support for the grape with your own hands

Reliable support for the grapes with their own hands

Grapes are a wonderful natural gift thatgrown since ancient times. It refers to lianate plants and does not have a definite shape. And that the vine normally developed and grew, it needs support. For the grapes it is not difficult to do this by yourself. After planting the plant, it will suffice to score a wooden stake next to it, for the first year of his life this will be quite enough. But for the second and subsequent years, shoots will have to be placed evenly and freely to get good ventilation and sunlight. The installation of trellis for grapes will help in this.

grape support

Especially relevant is the support for those whois engaged in cultivation of this crop and plants not a couple of bushes, but whole rows of different varieties. One of the main tasks in planting grapes is to ensure that plants of the same row do not obscure the neighboring row. Therefore, there should be sufficient distance between plantings. A trellis for the grape with your own hands is done quickly and has a number of advantages. This is the simplicity of production, the uniform ripening of the harvest, it is convenient to care for bushes, and on the inter-row, you can still grow something.

trellis vine

How is this support made for grapes?own hands? Here you can use different material. Suitable metal corners, wooden poles or asbestos cement or iron pipes. And I'll need a wire. It is better if it is copper or aluminum. If you do not have your own welding machine, the more suitable material for work will be square metal pipes. They are easily attached with corners and self-tapping screws for metal. You can use the old good tree, although there is no guarantee that such a support for the grapes will last long enough. It is better to build a long-term construction with your own hands.

So, you need the posts of the next height: 2 meters from the ground plus 0.6 meters for digging. Hence, each post should be 2.6 meters. The distance between poles should not be more than 3 meters. The number of columns depends on the length of the rows of planted crops. Dig a hole, insert a pole, fill the pit with rubble or stones and fill it with cement. When the solution solidifies, it is desirable for the upper ends of the tubes to be connected to the structural rigidity by thinner tubes.

trellis vine

Now you can proceed to the cross bars, forwhich will require a wire. The first bar should be at a distance of 60 cm from the ground, this will help to protect the vine from the spores of the fungus, and even when watering the brush the grapes will not get dirty. The remaining straps are stretched every 40-50 cm. It is best if the wire is copper, as it oxidises copper oxide, which kills the spores of a grape disease such as mildew. Here, perhaps, and made a support for the grape with their own hands.

vine stand

And for those who do not have on their siteenough space for vineyards, there are many other ways to plant this crop. For example, a couple of bushes can be planted around the gazebo. And you will get berry berries, and you will get excellent shading from the sun. You can also plant bushes along the southern wall of the house or any other structure. Many make pergolas in the courtyard, and the sprouting grapes create coolness on hot summer days. Only in these cases it is necessary to plant frost-resistant unconventional varieties. Do not confuse them with winter hardiness, as they tolerate only frosts and thaws well, frosts below 23ºC are fatal for them. Frost-resistant grapes calmly overwinter even at a temperature of minus 32ºC. Although today the varieties that combine both these qualities have already been derived.

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