/ / Sand-gravel mixture in the landscape of the site

Sand and gravel mixture in the landscape of the site

Building your own home is a dream for many. Tall, warm, with a beautiful roof, spacious rooms, cozy kitchen and living room. The picture is always drawn the brightest. But a house without an infield is an unfinished

Sand and gravel
dream. And it always has a landscape. Well, if you can use the services of a designer. Then professionally trained people will split the site. Design all the beauty: paths, terraces, flower beds, fruit trees. It is more difficult when landscaping is necessary independently. For such a case, certain knowledge is needed. With plants you can more or less understand. In the end, one thing has not grown up - in its place it is quite possible to plant another. But the building materials must be selected carefully, since it is often problematic to replace a composite not suitable for a terrace or a stone for a track.

The sand-gravel mixture is often used inlandscape design. It is mainly used in road construction. But certain species have found their application in the improvement of household plots. Separate sand and gravel mixtures

cost of sand-gravel mixture
on enriched and natural. The latter are used in the construction of roads. This is the basis for the drainage layers, the substrate under the coating. If additional gravel is added to the PGS, an enriched sand-gravel mixture is obtained at the outlet. The characteristics of such a building material, of course, differ from the natural coating. It is estimated according to the following parameters:

- the ratio of gravel and sand;

- fraction of gravel contained in the mixture;

- frost resistance;

- the content of foreign impurities - clays, silt, etc .;

Of course, the cost of the sandy-

sand and gravel mixture characteristics
gravel mixture. But not only this fact can affect the price. The enriched sandy-gravel mixture differs by the amount of gravel contained in it. Its dimensions, percentage ratio with sand, specifies GOST. What can not be said about the natural mixture. Its quality is not stipulated by any norms. Accordingly, such a sand-gravel mixture is cheaper.

So what is needed for drainage on the backyardsite? To begin with, the soil in most of European Russia due to geological and relief features is often flooded. This has a very negative effect on the growth and development of plants. Their access to air is restricted, which can eventually lead to decay. Also, excess moisture causes rapid and deep freezing. Another aspect should be considered for small plants: their development and growth, the increased soil moisture acts simply pernicious. As you already guessed, to eliminate harmful factors and apply sand and gravel mixture, the characteristics of which allow it to be used as a drainage. To be more precise, ASG is the main building material for ditches and drainage systems.

But this is not the only application of the ASG ona household plot. It is often in demand as a cushion when laying paving slabs. The presence in the building material of gravel again helps to remove moisture quickly, which will extend the life of the tracks. If the size of the plot allows, then a sand and gravel mixture can cover the playground for volleyball, tennis or basketball. In this case, the PGS should contain gravel of the smallest fractions. As you can see, this building material is rather in demand in an accomplishment and design of a landscape of a site of a country house.

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