/ / Massage for pregnant women - benefit or harm?

Massage for pregnant women - benefit or harm?

Much has been said and written about the beneficialeffect of massage. But simple massage is one thing, and massage for pregnant women is completely different. The first question asked by a woman who felt that she was carrying a child under her heart was what she had to give up, so common in everyday life, so as not to harm her own baby.

So, can you make a massage for pregnant women? Definitely, yes! Do not give up on this pleasure. Most gynecologists even recommend it to all women "in position." After all, they often have a backache, there is a feeling of numbness or tension of different parts of the body. Quite often pregnant women suffer from swelling, excessive weight, varicose veins, insomnia, stretch marks, irritability, constipation and depression. Mild massage will greatly alleviate such conditions.

It is only necessary to make a reservation that "massage" in this case means a specific massage for pregnant women, and not its classical procedure. From traditional traditional massage, it is distinguished by many features.

  • First, stroking the legs, hands, back and buttocks must be performed rhythmically and slowly;

  • Secondly, all movements during the massage are performed by a relaxed hand, without pressure and without the use of force;

  • Third, rubbing should be done without pressure and very slowly;

  • Fourth, vibration is performed only with fingers, but not with the whole brush, without special pressing;

In some medical clinics and massage roomscabinets use special chairs that allow a pregnant woman to take a comfortable position, because she can not lie down on her stomach. The duration of one massage session in a pregnant woman should not exceed 30 - 45 minutes.

The impact is carried out in certain areas: neck, back, shoulder girdle, arms and legs. Neck and back massage helps reduce the strain on the spinal column, which is caused by an increase in the abdomen and chest. Due to influence on active biological points, foot and hand massage improves the work of all organs and systems, improves blood circulation in the body of a pregnant woman.

We must not forget that there are a number of contraindications, when massage during pregnancy is not recommended. These include:

  • ARVI, and also any other catarrhal diseases, a heat of any etiology;

  • blood diseases, for example, blood coagulability or a decrease in hemoglobin;

  • purulent processes;

  • diseases of hair, nails, skin, for example, fungus on the nails;

  • thromboses, acute inflammation of lymph nodes and blood vessels, varicose veins;

  • diseases of the abdominal cavity;

  • heart disease, such as heart disease, heart rhythm disorder, angina pectoris, etc .;

  • disorder of intestinal functions, such as diarrhea;

  • mental illness;

  • tumors, including malignant ones;

  • chronic osteomyelitis;

  • sexual infections and the obstetrician-gynecologist's ban.

Massage for pregnant women should be carried out laterhour and a half after eating. Before a massage, it is advisable to take a warm shower. And during it, the entire body, especially the massaged joints and muscles, should relax as much as possible. Full relaxation of the body greatly improves the effectiveness of massage procedures. For a massage session, you usually need a sheet or towel so that you can cover the massaged parts of the body. Massage is best done with natural oils or special massage creams. You can also add essential oils, so that the effectiveness of the procedure increases.

In conclusion, I want to note that massage forpregnant women brings more benefits than harm. The main thing is not to neglect contraindications and do not forget to consult a doctor before starting the procedures.

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