The benefits and harms of Coca-Cola
Until now, the composition of this drink is not known. All versions are just assumptions, but the actual recipe by the manufacturer is not disclosed. However, laboratory studies have made it possible to identify some ingredients for which it is possible to find out what harm Coca-Cola is possible for our body.
Composition of Coca-Cola
At the first appearance of this drink, it was thought thatin its composition is a cola nut, which is rich in caffeine, as well as coca leaf, which contains cocaine. Proceeding from this, conclusions were drawn on the topic "Coca-Cola - harm or benefit for the human body". A little later it became known about the damage caused by cocaine, and it was removed from the composition of the drink. Modern Coca-Cola has a taste known to us because of the addition of clove oil, vanillin and lemon essence.
However, the question "is there any benefit to Coca-Cola?" leaves much doubt, if we consider its composition further. In addition to sugar and water, this drink includes:
- Carbon dioxide and sodium benzonate (E290 and E211). They are used for preserving fish and meat products, margarine, sauces, fruits, vegetables, drinks and berries. This component is also used in the manufacture of expectorant drugs. This substance is not recommended for people who are very sensitive to aspirin. In addition, combined with vitamin C, sodium benzonate becomes benzene, and this is a very strong carcinogen.
- Orthophosphoric acid (or E338). It is used in the manufacture of carbonated water, textiles and fertilizers (equally). A large amount of the substance can destroy the teeth and wash the calcium from the bones.
- Sugar color (or E150). A dye created artificially. The benefits of Coca-Cola because of him does not increase.
- Aspartame (or E951). It is used in the production of carbonated diet drinks and chewing gum "without sugar" as a sweetener. This element relieves the body of the "happiness hormone", after which there is irritability, depression and anger. In addition, the molecules of the substance are firmly fixed on the mucosa of the mouth and there is again a sense of thirst.
If we talk about sugar, which is in the drinkin a rather large amount, it is another factor that causes the harm of Coca-Cola. Also, it contains caffeine, which lowers the tone and affects sleep disorders, and can also cause irregularities in the heart.
The harm of Coca-Cola. Is there any benefit?
The benefits of Coca-Cola are hardly known to anyone. But the negative impact of this drink on all organs and systems of the human body (and especially female and children's) does not cause the slightest doubt!
First, the gastrointestinal tract suffers,as, however, and from other carbonated sweet drinks. Even a healthy person because of Coca-Cola may experience indigestion. Also, the harm of Coca-Cola is the possible appearance of pancreatitis and other diseases associated with pancreatic disorders.
Secondly, it should be noted that the addiction toThis drink leads to a strong decrease in the content of potassium in the body. If his level falls to a dangerous level, then muscle tissue can be affected and, as the most tragic outcome, paralysis can occur. Among other things, the harm of Coca-Cola, which consists in lowering the level of this trace element, can provoke muscle weakness, apathy and loss of appetite.
Thirdly, it is worth noting that the amount of calories in the drink is very high, and therefore the use of this drink is not only contraindicated in diets, but also contributes to the development of obesity.
Summarizing, it should be said that Coca-Colabrings harm to all, and especially this applies to pregnant women, children and adolescents. However, for many men this drink is also contraindicated, and not only because of the diseases that they already have, but also because of the risk of acquiring new diseases.