/ / How to make a jelly "Coca Cola". Recipes

How to make a jelly "Coca-Cola". Recipes

Fans of fizzy drink have longexperiment with "Cola", turning it into a variety of unusual and sometimes unusual delicacies. One of the popular recipes is jelly. Today we will try to figure out how to make a jelly "Coca-Cola" at home without much time and money.

how to make jelly coca cola

An unusual treat

Jelly "Kola" - surprisingly unusual delicacy. Of course, everyone has become accustomed to jelly since childhood. But, as a rule, jellies of fruit or berries are sold in stores. But with the beloved "Cola" is difficult to find.

If you are thinking how to make a jelly"Coca Cola" at home, then give a few simple tips. First, to work with jelly, it is best to use instant gelatin. The liquid will quickly solidify and keep its shape well. It will be an excellent decoration for dessert or an independent delicacy.

"Warm" way

To prepare the jelly will require one packetgelatin (50 g.) and one bottle of Coca-Cola (0.5 liters). We'll figure out how to make a jelly "Coca-Cola" in a "warm" way. To do this, the drink must be poured into a pre-prepared saucepan. We add a pack of gelatin there and leave it to swell. The amount of time required will vary slightly, depending on the manufacturer. But, as a rule, this is 15-20 minutes.

After the gelatin has swelled, the pan should be placed on a slow fire. We are achieving complete dissolution. Remember that bring the mixture to a boil is strictly prohibited.

We prepare the packaging into which we pourliquid. Jelly from "Coca-Cola" leave a little cool at room temperature. Then we put it in the freezer or just in the fridge until it finally cures.

jelly from coca cola

"Cold" way

How to make a jelly "Coca-Cola", the recipe of whichdoes not require standing near the stove? Using the "cold" method, you do not need to heat the gelatin mixture. However, you will need to spend a little more time preparing the jelly.

So, the recipe requires 150-200 ml of cola, 50 grams of warm water, 20 grams of instant gelatin, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar (to taste). You can use bright food colors.

Gelatin is mixed in a separate cup with warmwater. Let's brew and swell. There, in warm water, you can add granulated sugar, if the taste of cola you do not seem sweet enough. After swelling, mix gelatin with a drink. In this recipe, you do not need to wait for the gelatin mixture to cool, it can be safely placed in the refrigerator. Of course, this method requires more time to wait. Frozen such a cold gelatin will be much slower than heated. But if you do not want to stand by the plate, then this option is convenient for you.

If you make a striped jelly, then more time will be needed. Each color layer must be seized. Only then you can pour the next. But, believe me, the result will cover all efforts.

how to make jelly coca cola recipe

The usual form

Of course, there are many original andunusual molds for jelly. If you plan to decorate a jelly some kind of dessert, then, of course, it is worth taking small molds. But if you decided to please your child with an unusual treat, the best and most effective option is a bottle. Imagine how unusual your child will look, biting off a piece from a bottle of Coca-Cola.

The secret of making this jelly in the rightpreparation of container. If you just pour the mass into the bottle, let it freeze and then try to cut the bottle, then the jelly mixture will suffer pretty badly. But then how to make a jelly "Coca-Cola" in a bottle without damage to the delicacy?

Before you pour the jelly into the container, you shouldcut it along. To ensure that the liquid mass does not flow, we rewind the cut line carefully with adhesive tape. After completely solidifying the liquid, take out the delicacy so that the form is not damaged. Especially it should be neat in the neck area, it's a bottle with the "Cola" rather hard and pushing apart with difficulty.

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