/ How to invent a fairy tale for a child? How to invent a fairy tale about animals or people, domestic or magical?

How to invent a fairy tale for a child? How to invent a fairy tale about animals or people, domestic or magical?

Not all children like to listen to fairy tales. Especially the boys. But it is necessary to teach the child to listen, otherwise in the future he will not have enough attention and perseverance. And that's why many parents are wondering how to invent a fairy tale on their own so that it is interesting for their little one. In fact, there is nothing difficult in writing stories. And especially you can even write down afterwards.

how to invent a fairy tale

Where to begin?

First you need to find out what exactly isyour child, because the tale will be focused on him and his interests. Additionally, you can read a few of the most popular stories from your childhood. Already on the basis of all this, we can draw up an approximate plan for the development of events in a fairy tale. And of course, we need the main characters.


Modern children are quite developed, from an early agethey know the world around them, including animals. Many kids adore different representatives of fauna, which pushes parents to write with such characters in the lead roles. Before you think of a fairy tale about animals, ask what exactly likes your child. For example, some love elephants and hippopotami, while others adore crocodiles or lions. A fairy tale must necessarily be good, instructive and have a scientific basis. That is, the description of animals should be as they are in living nature. This will further form a certain type of thinking in this matter.

how to invent a fairy tale

Fairy tale characters

Some of the most interesting characters arefairy-tale creatures and characters. Before you come up with a fairy tale, again you need to confer with the child to find out who is more to his liking. For example, boys generally like different superheroes and animated boyish toys (cars, trains, airplanes, etc.). Girls are more like fairies, wizards, princesses and other beautiful heroines. How to invent a fairy tale about them? If you really do not have enough imagination, you can just retell one of the cartoons that the child likes. Although the kid will be able to recognize such a small deception. Therefore, before you think up a fairy tale, you should not just watch cartoons, but also think over the concept of the adventures of the main characters yourself. For example, the same Spider-Man can be sent on a visit to Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena - at the swimming competition with Turtle Tortilla. In fairy tales, you can mix characters so that the child can pay attention to different characters.

how to invent a fairy tale


If there is free time and desire, then you candraw a whole book, where will be written down invented stories with illustrations to them. The child will appreciate it. The process of creating such a magic will bring a lot of joy. And some children even begin to feel a special sense of importance and importance, because he himself makes his fairy tale. This is the real magic. Before you think up a fairy tale, ask the kid about what he wants: just a story for the night or a whole self-made book. Starting from this, you can plan your actions.

how can you think of a fairy tale

On the Near Writing

Many parents, who are wondering about what,how to invent a fairy tale yourself, do not even immediately come to the conclusion that the simplest version is to tell about your own child. That is, in a comic form there is a story about how mom and dad were waiting for their little son or their daughter, were glad of his / her appearance, began to buy toys, to deal with their baby. In the child's perception, this will be regarded as a real fairy tale and magic. Here, you do not have to invent anything: you just need to tell about your love for the child in a special manner.

how to invent a fairy tale about animals

Favorite toy and story about her

How can you think of a fairy tale yet? Surely the baby has a favorite toy with which he spends the most time. Tell her about the child before going to sleep. This will be the same fairy tale that he was waiting for. For example, how his favorite locomotive rolls on rails, misses his friend when he is in the kindergarten or on a visit, how he loves his rails, without which he simply can not go. The kid will be interested to know about the "life" of his toy. In addition, this will not bring him the experience before going to sleep, and that means the night will pass quietly.

how to invent a household fairy tale

Household and educational legends

Before you come up with a household fairy tale,attention to what your child is fond of, and what does not interest him at all from the domestic environment. It is necessary to write about the fact that the child does not like, but to present so that it can be intrigued. So for example, those who do not like to take away their toys, it is worth telling a fairy tale about how toys are going through and crying at night, because they are not in their cribs (boxes, boxes, sacks). Write a story about how well, when in the room order, like magical creatures that go out at night, praise the child for accuracy and pedantry. In such a comic form, a certain stuffiness for neatness and obedience is formed. If persuasion and threats can not be achieved, then the fairy tale is able to persuade even the most capricious child.

What can not be told?

In no case should not write terriblehistory, so as not to scare the baby. End of a fairy tale should always be pleasant, kind and good. Only so the child will sleep peacefully, to see normal dreams. It is noteworthy that children's psychologists recommend telling such tales that end in the same phrase. For example, "and they went to their cribs and fell asleep." If you compose stories with such an ending from a small age, then a certain reflex will be developed, signaling the end of the day, readiness for sleep. It's like daily brushing your teeth in the evening or taking a bath / shower. The brain will immediately adjust to sleep, even if the baby is badly played or overexcited. You can not write fairy tales with punishments. That is, you do not need to tell that disobedient children are being carried away by "babajki" or "evil aunts". First, various fears, which are already enough at an early age, will develop. Secondly, such tales do not bring pleasure and tranquility. But this is their main task!


You can write about anything. Even if there is little imagination or fatigue. How can you think of a fairy tale yourself for the night? Just tell how the kid spent the day. For example, "there lived a girl Masha, who every morning got up and went to the kindergarten ..." And then just retell the whole day of her daughter or son. In addition, older children themselves suggest what they would like to hear about before going to bed. Do not be afraid of experiments! If the tale immediately "did not go," then just change it on the move to another one. Yes, you can also tell fairy tales that you read in your childhood in your own words, and not according to the book.

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