/ / A fairy tale about a molecule. How to compose a fairy tale about atoms and molecules

A fairy tale about a molecule. How to compose a fairy tale about atoms and molecules

After reading the title of the article, you may be surprised: how and why to invent fairy tales about the molecule? Grade 7 is the approximate time when the average student gets acquainted with the science of physics. However, it is possible to begin to explain the structure of the world to the child from the very childhood, because it is at a small age that a child develops a worldview and a picture of the world. If in time to lay the basic fundamental knowledge in the child, then in the future he will perceive serious information more easily than peers. How to invent a fairy tale about a molecule so that the topic becomes understandable to the child?

The basic rules of writing fairy tales

First of all, your story should reflect the veryessence of molecules. So, for a basis it is possible to take particles of one of the most widespread elements of our planet and to add it with bright adventures of the chosen molecule.

a tale about atoms and molecules

Secondly, for the baby is very important visualinformation, therefore it is recommended to draw some interesting thematic pictures. In the drawings one can depict several multicolored molecules and the main principles of their arrangement. With their help, the baby will learn the material better. Also, while reading a thought-out tale about a molecule, it's very important to have a dialogue with the baby, try to involve him in the discussion, by asking questions at the same time. You will be surprised when you see how child can be clever and ingenious. Many children understand the laws of the world order on an intuitive level, which is why one can safely begin to study the world around them at an early age.

A bit of theory

Before telling a fairy tale about atoms andmolecule, it is worthwhile to find out in detail how molecular processes actually occur in reality, in order to answer the kid on any of his questions. So, all the living and inanimate on our planet consists of atoms, each of which, integrating with another atom, forms one molecule of matter. The structure of the atom is explained very simply: in the center there is an atomic nucleus, and several electrons move around it. The force with which molecules are attracted to each other is called electromagnetic. Molecules come in many different forms and can have different properties (for example, magnetic or electrical). The interaction of molecules of various substances is studied by the science of chemistry.

a tale about a molecule

Facts from history

The study of atoms began in Ancient Greece, andin the 17th century, chemists managed to prove that the atom is the smallest indivisible particle. Modern physicists have conducted a number of experiments that show that in fact an atom can divide into smaller subparticles. In 1860, the World Congress of Chemists in Germany (Karlsruhe) adopted the definitions of the atom and molecule.

E. Rutherford is the creator of the planetary model of the atom, he proved his theory using the experience of scattering alpha particles. In the fairy tale about the molecule, you can use historical references to supplement the encyclopedic knowledge of the child.

First magical story

For the smallest inquisitive kids, you caninvent a fairy tale about how molecules are going through interesting adventures. For example, write about the fascinating journey of water molecules. The fairy tale should contain details that are close to the interests of the baby. Let's say that if a child loves sports and active games, then you can start a story with the fact that a water molecule is on a football field. Below is an example of a story that is sure to please the baby.

You can first ask the child: "Have you heard the tale of the water molecule already? Do you want to tell you this magical story?" So, listen carefully. "

a tale about molecules in physics

"Once upon a time there lived a small moleculewater called Milly, she was very fond of traveling. A person has a head, arms and legs, but Millie had one atom of oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. Once, being high up in the sky, she hit the clouds and met many friends there. Together they joined hands and began to dance dances. But suddenly a strong stream of wind blew them down. While they were flying, they turned into droplets of water. On the ground they fell out in the form of rain, Millie was with her friends in the stadium, where the wet children were already going to go home. Millie just got on the shirt of one boy. While he was walking home, the sun shone again in the sky, and it became very hot. The t-shirt began to dry slowly. Suddenly, Millie began to evaporate. She joined the molecules of oxygen that fly in our air, and then turned into an invisible gas and flew away. Until now, she travels around the world, studying different birds in the sky, fish in the sea and animals on land. "

The Tale of Molecules

In physics, not all can have excellent grades,as this is a very complex science. Many topics can be more understandable for the child, if you explain them in plain language. The best option is to tell an interesting story or even a fairy tale. Here is one fascinating story about the property of molecules to mutate.

a tale about a molecule of water

"Once upon a time in a garment factory lived-weremolecules of iron. They looked like small crystals, but despite this, they considered themselves to be the strongest, they were not afraid of anything. Once there was a heavy rain, which seeped through the roof of the building and wet the typewriter where our molecules lived. It was then that a real battle began with the water molecules that attacked the iron molecules. For three days the battle continued, until finally the water molecules broke through their defense. The iron molecules weakened, began to lose their color, and then completely turned into rust. The poor people did not know that the water molecules are very strong, that they need to hide from them, so they died. "

travel molecule of water fairy tale

Tale of a molecule that can change color

"Hello, I'm a molecule of white paint, call meBella. I live with my family in a small jar. Once I played with my friends and then I saw how a big uncle took a brush, put it right into my house and again took me into the air. I did not manage to escape, my friends, like me, were put on the wall. Here on top of us painted a red paint. Molecules of a different color did not want to play with us at first, but then they got bored, they started talking to me and my friends. We joined hands and began to dance. When we became friends, our color changed, we became pink. The whole wall in the children's room was painted in our gentle pink shade. Until now, we live here and every day we meet with the little daughter of our host. She reads books to us and shows her drawings. "


After reading the fairy tales about the molecules necessarilyIt is worth discussing with the child some questions. For example, ask him what properties different molecules have and how they generally look. If the child does not understand something, it is necessary to explain to him. And then again ask questions about the topic to consolidate knowledge.

For creative natures, we propose to make models of real molecules. They can be built from small balls or balls, connecting them with wire. Or cut out of colored cardboard.

a fairy tale about a molecule 7 class

It is also recommended to ask the child to think upown fairy tale. This process develops creative and logical thinking. After hearing the story of the child, be sure to praise him, because it is thanks to the praise of children, there is a desire and motivation to engage in creativity.

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