/ / Why does the skin peel? The child will have skin on his fingers: what to do

Why does the skin peel? The child will have skin on his fingers: what to do

Often, parents begin to notice that theirbaby flakes skin. The child has a skin on his fingers - this phenomenon is called desquamation. The reasons for its occurrence are many, and the final diagnosis can only be a dermatologist. It is necessary to address it at the first signs of illnesses, since negligence in this matter is unacceptable.

the skin of the child is covered with skin on the fingers

Why is the skin peeling off?

Specialists identify a number of factors that can provoke desquamation:

  • Lack of vitamins A and E, which are responsible for the integrity of the cover.
  • Lesions of the skin with fungus or bacterial diseases.
  • Staphylococcal or streptococcal infection.
  • Diseases of a viral nature.
  • Allergic manifestations.
  • Prolonged use of antibiotics or other drugs, irradiation of the body.
  • Frostbite of the fingertips.
  • Problems with the pancreas, the presence of helminthic invasion.
  • Stressful situations.
    the skin on the fingers of the child

Protective function

The skin of the baby, like the adult, isProtective shell and reflects internal problems with the body. Therefore, parents do the right thing when they are worried about why a child has skin on the fingers or toes. But this is not the only function. Also, the skin participates in the following processes:

  • exchange;
  • respiratory;
  • thermoregulating.

With the help of the skin, a person feels pain,cold, warmth and other sensations. Therefore, parents should ensure that he is healthy. Scaly fingers can deliver great discomfort to the baby.

why a child has skin on the fingers or toes

How does the disease begin?

Unfortunately, parents do not always notice on time,that the baby's skin is damaged. At the child the skin on fingers will gradually grow, the beginning of disease very erased and not expressed. The first symptom is itching. At first, it is so invisible that neither the baby nor his parents give it any importance. When the itching gets bothersome, the skin has a slightly inflamed appearance. In the same period, the first bubbles begin to appear. They do not have content, but are constantly increasing in size, affecting a healthy area. After the rupture of the epithelium, the skin on the damaged area is scaly and oblazit. Sometimes it is removed in small layers.

If there is no itching ...

Sometimes the skin on the fingers of the childitching. In this case, we can talk about functional disorders. If you do not pay attention to such phenomena, not only your fingers, but also your hands and other parts of your hands will be scaly. Therefore, therapy should be carried out in a timely manner.

Most often this disease manifests itself in the autumnand the spring period, when the lack of vitamins is particularly noticeable. The process of peeling is long, but if the treatment is adequate, then there will be no traces on the skin.

the child has a skin from the toes

Power Correction

Establish nutrition is the main task when one suffersleather. The child will have skin on his fingers if he eats fatty, spicy or fried foods. The basis of his diet should be vegetables, lean fish and lean meat, dried fruits, greens, cereals, fruits and eggs. It is very important that the body receives enough vitamins A and E. But remember that they are well absorbed only when the baby gets fats of animal and vegetable origin. For better assimilation, you can add sour cream or a little oil to the prepared dishes.

Reception of vitamins and hygiene

In winter it is very difficult to balance the nutrition of the baby, so it is worth taking a complex of vitamins, which the pediatrician will recommend.

Equally important is hygiene. To ensure that the skin does not deteriorate, you need to cleanse the skin every day. The polished epithelium needs to be carefully cleaned. The skin of the baby should always be kept clean. Watch this - the task of parents.

Baths with herbs

If a child has a skin from his toes orhands, you can do a bath with herbs: celandine, string or false collection. After the procedure, you need to get wet with a soft towel. Do not use products made of hard material and rub your skin thoroughly.

Dry fingers should be lubricated with a cream to moisturize. It can be an oily solution or a multivitamin.

Care for marigolds

What measures to take if the skin is damaged? The child will have skin on his fingers for reasons that the doctor should set. But parents should necessarily trim the nails with a safe scissors and control their purity. Dirt can get into the wound and cause infection.

what to do if the skin on the fingers

Methods of Traditional Medicine

If the skin is on the fingers of the child, you needto cook a decoction of oatmeal. It is enough to take a tablespoon of raw materials, pour a glass of water and put on a small fire. After the mass boils for several minutes, it must be cooled and filtered. Baths should be done every day, the duration of the procedure should be at least 20 minutes.

What should I do if the skin is on my fingers? Well removes the peeling extract of wheat germ. All affected areas should be lubricated abundantly. Effective is peach or linseed oil. They need to lubricate their hands after hygienic procedures.

Medicamentous treatment can not be carried out without a specialist's examination. Only a doctor can give adequate recommendations that will save the baby from the problem.

Preventive actions

Parents need to know what measures are neededtake to have a smooth skin. The child will have skin on his fingers if there are glitches in his body. It is important to ensure that the baby receives all the necessary vitamins and useful ingredients and regularly washed. It should be used to prevent helminthic invasions, bacterial diseases and strengthen immunity.

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