/ / Why does skin peel on the face? Causes and Treatment

Why does the skin flake on the face? Causes and Treatment

Very often for no reason at all beginsto peel skin. The phenomenon is unpleasant, especially if this process occurs in open areas. And at once it is impossible to establish, why the skin on a face is shelled.

why does the skin peel on the face

How often, after seeing a little redness, we do notwe go on consultation to the dermatologist, and we impose a double layer of makeup. But meanwhile you can not do this categorically. First you need to establish why the skin is flaky on the face. It is not so easy to do it yourself. It is better to consult a specialist.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be a greata bunch of. This climate, and weather changes, and allergies, and use of low-quality and cheap cosmetics. All these factors can cause skin problems. Especially I want to say about allergies. It can be caused by vegetables, dyes and preservatives. Also, the allergy arises as a reaction to taking certain medications.

redness and flaking of the skin of the face

In addition, there are still options for whythe skin on the face is flaky. Mechanical damage due to wounds and cuts. However, experts call this reason one of the rarest. But there is no doubt one of the most common reasons. It's a loss of moisture. This process is especially noticeable in winter: in the street there is frost, there is also dry air in the rooms because of different heaters, the body does not receive sufficient moisture, so the skin starts to be capricious, thus letting it know that moisture is not enough for it. Also, peeling and redness can be noticed right after the shower and other water procedures. At such times a person sweats and intensively loses moisture, which is why the process takes place. And it does not depend on the type of skin, therefore it is equally manifested in people with both a dry cover and with a fat one. Having found out the reasons why the skin on the face is scaly, you can start treatment. It is advisable to begin it as soon as possible, as soon as the first signs are noticed.

redness and flaky skin on the face

There are such methods for controlling skin peeling and redness:

  1. Rule number one says that first of all you should check the makeup. It is possible that you are overdue. In this case, it is sufficient to simply replace it.
  2. Then you should start to treat the skin. First you need to clean the surface of the face from the dried scales. It is recommended to do this with scrubs. Only take a delicate exfoliating remedy with small particles. You can enroll in the salon to a specialist. But still the main course of treatment you will take place at home.
  3. Pay attention to the soap. If you use antibacterial, this can be one of the reasons why the skin of the face is flaky. Everyone knows that soap dries, and antibacterial even more so. To restore the natural skin balance, it is better to switch to delicate soap varieties containing a high percentage of fat and a moisturizer. Women should preferably use special cosmetics designed to remove makeup. A good option may be cosmetic milk.
  4. To get rid of dry skin, wash preferably at least twice a day, and twice a week to do moisturizing masks.
  5. To cure redness and peeling of the skin onface, you can use masks. For example, this: one yolk, oatmeal (teaspoon), turned into gruel, and vegetable oil (a tablespoon). Stir the mixture over the face and hold for 15 minutes. Then wash off.
  6. When peeling is observed at the wings of the nose or near the eyebrows, you can use hydrocortisone ointment. Apply it once a day for two weeks.

If you follow all the rules and take care of yourself, reddening and flaking of the facial skin will bypass you.

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