/ / Which powder is good for washing? Types and composition of washing powders. Persil, Ariel and Tide: what to choose

Which powder is good for washing? Types and composition of washing powders. Persil, Ariel and Tide: what to choose

Net clothing is not only an issue of impressionsand reputation, and first of all the issue of health. To ensure a high-quality cleaning of laundry, it is important to choose a suitable means for removing contaminants. Find out which powder is good for washing, in today's variety is not easy. It is necessary to understand the composition of the proposed products, the properties of their main operating components and the level of safety for humans. More details on these issues will be discussed in this article.

Types of washing powders

The main error mistresses is that manytend to use the same remedy for any type of laundry when they find out which powder is good for washing. It should ideally be suitable for a certain type of fabric. So, if the product that is intended for manual washing has proven effective, you should not try to use it for automatic. Used not for the intended purpose, the powder will not show its properties to the full, and the laundry will not be cleaned badly. Such products contain a large number of substances that form a lush foam, not necessary in this case.

which powder is good for washing

What kinds of detergents are available today? As rules, classification is carried out according to the types of tissues for which this or that remedy is intended. According to this criterion, powders are divided into universal (intended for all types of fabric), for synthetics, wool, and also linen and cotton materials. At the same time, the price is not critical.

So, if you are planning a large-scale washing, and all things are made from the same material (say, cotton), it is better to use a cheaper product, but narrowly specialized.

Composition of powders

Before tackling the choice of an effectivemeans, you need to understand the purpose of the individual components that make up a particular product. Particular care should be taken in the event that the house has children or people who suffer from allergies.

The main active component, whichinvariably is a part of any detergent powder, are surfactants, or so-called surfactants, designed to effectively separate dirt from the surface of any texture. Their classification contains three types, namely: cationic, anionic and non-inogenic.

The danger is an anionic type thatis designated as an A-surfactant in the formulation. Such substances cause a variety of allergic reactions, manifested, for example, by a rash on the skin of a person, and dramatically decrease the efficiency of the immune system.

Any SAWs have a very negative effect onenvironment, and the human body. Therefore rinsing the laundry and is so important process, because it is during it all the dangerous components are removed from the surface of the tissue. Do not skimp, better rinse things again by running the appropriate program.

According to experts, a truly high-quality detergent can not contain more than five percent of surfactants.

 washing powder for white linen

Why do we need enzymes?

Enzymes are often positioned in commercialsas a panacea, substances that are essential for successful washing. It is their presence or absence that determines which powder is good for washing. And, in some ways, it is. Enzymes are biologically active substances that are used to effectively remove stains, especially fat, which are considered to be the most complex.

However, these components are capable of harming some delicate tissues, so the powders that contain them should be used with caution.

What is phosphate?

Phosphates - an effective mix of metals and acids, which significantly softens water when washing, prevents the formation of scale, which contributes to a more successful process of eliminating dirt.

What is characteristic: all cleaning products produced in Western countries do not contain these components, since these substances actively provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions associated with both the skin and the respiratory tract. In many countries, their use is prohibited at the legislative level.

These substances are replaced by zeolites, which do no harm to the world around them, nor to human health. Powders of this kind, as a rule, are labeled "phosphate-free."

Determine the type of bleaching

Sometimes it becomes an exceptionally difficult task toneed to choose washing powder for white linen. It is important to know that there are two types of fabric whitening. To understand for which of them a specific detergent powder is intended, you can carefully read the composition of the latter. So, if it includes any kind of peroxide salts, it means that the agent is an ordinary chemical bleach, and if the substances that make up the formula have a formula starting with "C", it is an optical one. What this means in practice, we will consider further.

powder tide automaton

Can an ordinary powder be whitened?

In order to ensure a qualitative result,it would be preferable to use a "2 in 1" detergent. Such powders refer to either the first or the second type of bleaches that have been described above. Next, let's talk more about each of them.

So, chemical bleach is aA drug based on chlorine or peroxide. Such a powder actively destroys the color of the fabric and is not suitable for delicate materials. But oxygen bleach spares the fabric. It can be used for any clothing, including color.

Optical bleach does not destroy the fabric and its overall color, but effectively masks any stains. This is due to the unique reflecting particles that make up its composition.

Which powder is good for washing - chemical or optical bleach? As a rule, they can both become effective, and their main difference is the cost of packaging.

The choice of powder, which is designed for baby clothes

The presence of a child in the home requires the use ofsuitable cleaning agents and washing powders. And it's not just machinations of marketers! The composition of funds meant for children is really different from that for adults. The components of children's powders have a much more sparing effect on the young organism. Their use is also recommended for allergy sufferers.

The most undesirable components are various kinds of bleaches and soda. To make sure of this, it is important to carefully study the composition of the remedy.

It is appropriate to recall that the habitual for manyhostess laundry soap is not safe for babies. The huge amount of alkali included in its composition has a negative impact on the baby's skin. And it can not remove spots.

kinds of washing powders

How to choose a quality powder?

In order to choose a truly effectiveand a safe remedy, when buying powder, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances. Mentioning the absence of toxins is usually true, so they should be noted. It is also necessary to control the percentage of substances that make up the product (no more than five percent for surfactants and not more than twelve for phosphates). It would be more advantageous to purchase not one universal powder for all types of tissues, but several specialized ones. It is also desirable to have different means for colored and white things, baby (for families with toddlers) and a tool with enzymes for removing stains. It is important to use both for manual washing and for automatic products specially designed for this purpose.

It is necessary to remember the proportion of thefacilities. For each kilogram of laundry intended for washing, there should be about one tablespoon of powder. Its lack will lead to poor-quality cleaning, and excess - to the persistent sharp smell and the presence of chemical particles on the fabric.

Powder "Persil"

One of the most popular means for washingis "Persel". Liquid powder is positioned as an effective substance for cleaning both white and colored things (depending on the purpose of the specific product, however, there are universal substances in the product line as well). It contains enzymes, which means it is able to excrete various stains, including traces of berries and any beverages (even from red wine). However, these components remain active only during the shelf life of the powder, which is three years. After its expiration, the properties of the product as stain removers are lost, but for washing as a whole it remains suitable. Also, in order for the product to retain its properties, it is important to store it at a temperature not exceeding thirty-five degrees Celsius.

Persian liquid

Powders Persil, as well as any other meansmark, can not be stored together with any food products or in a place accessible to children. If the product enters the mucous membranes, they must be rinsed with plenty of clean water.

Powder "Tide"

Tide powders are produced by the famous AmericanProcter & Gamble, which is a guarantee of quality in itself. The product has established itself as an undisputed leader in the laundry industry. The components of the remedy do not damage the structure of the tissue and at the same time effectively eliminate stains of any complexity. A popular representative line - Tide Color - helps maintain the intensity of color. In addition, this powder also acts as a flavoring agent for laundry.

tide color

Important: Tide powder (automaton) does not contain phosphates, instead of them, safe zeolites are included. Also active components of the agent are enzymes that effectively fight stains. At the same time, the content of anionic surfactants is slightly higher than the allowed 5 percent.

Powder "Eared Nanny"

This tool is specifically designed forwashing children's underwear. It can be used even when it comes to the things of the newborn. "Eared Nanny" is positioned as a hypoallergenic agent. In the line there are products intended for both manual and automatic washing. According to the manufacturer, the structure of the product is such that it is easily rinsed off the tissues, so its particles do not stay in the fibers and do not irritate the baby's skin.

To ensure that the powder does not lose its properties, it should be stored correctly (in a dark cool place).

eared nanny

Despite the fact that the tool is intendedespecially for children's things, it contains phosphates and a significant amount of A-PEAH (from five to fifteen percent), which can have a negative effect on the skin.

Powder "Ariel"

Another famous brand is Ariel. The powder of this brand contains enzymes, an effective system of a combination of surfactants. The structure of the agent is such that it is able to effectively clean tissues even at low temperatures (forty degrees). Powder "Ariel Mountain spring" realizes oxygen-containing bleaching, and also creates the effect of optical whitening. This provides an amazing result.

ariel powder


Having analyzed all the above information aboutmeans for washing and having considered compositions of popular powders, it is possible to draw following conclusions. If you want to buy a product that would protect your child from the negative effects of chemicals, do not spend money on a product called "Ushasty nanny." This powder is effective in itself, but its composition is no different from other, "adult" substances. So, for example, "Tide", by and large, is much safer, as, unlike "Eared Nanny", does not contain harmful phosphates, which can contribute to the emergence of allergic reactions. In powder from Procter & Gamble they are replaced with safe zeolites, which will not harm the delicate skin of the child. "Persil" is extremely effective for the removal of various stains due to the significant content of enzymes in it. It is useful to have this medicine at home in order to cope with serious pollution in time. However, it is not the most effective if the owner is faced with the task of whitening the laundry. In this respect, Ariel is the leader, a powder that provides high-quality cleaning of tissues. Moreover, during the bleaching process, "Ariel" does not damage the fibers of the fabric, does not destroy their structure, but acts only directly on the stain.

Cleanliness in many ways determines your health. Always make your choice competently!

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