/ / Threat of miscarriage early in pregnancy

Threat of miscarriage early in pregnancy

Threat of miscarriage early in pregnancyis recently a fairly common diagnosis. However, with timely access to specialists and competent actions of doctors, it manages to survive without negative consequences.

Threat of miscarriage early. Possible reasons

First of all, this, of course, various kinds of hormonal disorders. So

threat of early miscarriage
some of the fair sexthe insufficiency of the hormone progesterone is diagnosed, and it is he who is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. Specialists say that his role is especially great until the 16th week, and then the placenta itself assumes the main functions. Progesterone deficiency, as a rule, occurs in the following cases:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the genitals.
  2. Consequences of abortion.
  3. Dysfunction of the organs of internal secretion.

On the other hand, the threat of miscarriage in the earlytiming can also be caused by infections that are sexually transmitted. After conducting some studies, experts concluded that those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who had previously been diagnosed with chlamydia, herpes or other viral infections, the probability of spontaneous miscarriage is much higher compared to healthy women.

Immunity plays a special role. So, in case of failures in his work, the body starts spontaneously producing antibodies that disrupt the formation of the placenta, which ultimately results in the death of the fetus.

treatment for threatened miscarriage
The threat of miscarriage in the early terms of pregnancy. The first symptoms

When there are pulling pains in the lower abdomenthe threat of fetal death in the womb is quite high. It is important to note that discomforts often have a cramping character. If you notice this kind of change, you should call an ambulance without delay. Perhaps the baby will still be able to save.

On the other hand, it is important to pay attention toselection. If there are spotting, which is accompanied by a pain in the abdomen, this is a sure sign of miscarriage. Remember, in pregnancy, excretion is considered the norm, if they are clear and without a sharp odor. If you change their nature and consistency, you should visit a gynecologist.

Threat of miscarriage early. Treatment

the threat of miscarriage in the early stages of treatment
As a rule, in this case, experts appointbed rest. The future woman in childbirth should not go to work, especially to engage in manual labor. It is better to devote this time to reading positive literature and in no case to worry. Treatment for a threat of miscarriage also implies the absence of stress. Some specialists appoint valerian or motherwort. An excellent solution is the so-called yoga for pregnant women. In the classroom, women not only communicate and share their experiences (positive thinking), but also perform respiratory and gymnastic exercises aimed at relaxing the body. In particularly serious cases, gynecologists prescribe hormonal drugs, the main effect of which is to replace the hormone progesterone.

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