/ / Temperature in early pregnancy

Temperature in early pregnancy

Pregnancy is the period when in the bodywomen there are many changes. These changes are manifested in different ways, and often unaccustomed reactions of the body to a new situation scare a woman, it may seem to her that harmless drowsiness or dry skin, for example, indicates a pathology.

Fear of expectant mothers is often caused by increasedtemperature in the early stages of pregnancy. To protect yourself from unnecessary and even harmful excitement, so as not to worry in vain - contact your doctor who is pregnant. Do not try to knock yourself off the temperature yourself, so as not to provoke more serious problems. An experienced doctor will immediately tell whether the fever in the early stages of pregnancy is evidence of a disease or in this case it is a variant of the norm.

The temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy mayrise to 37.2-37.4 degrees, for some at this level, it can last until the end of pregnancy. And this is by no means a pathology, the reason for such a rise in temperature in physiology. An increased fever in the early stages of pregnancy can be caused by one of the following two reasons.

First, during pregnancy, hormone progesterone is produced (pregnancy hormone). This hormone affects the center of thermoregulation located in the brain.

Secondly, with the onset of pregnancy severalweakened immunity. This is also "conceived" by nature so that this "protector" of our body from all kinds of diseases can not negatively affect the future baby and does not tear him away.

At the same time, once immunity is weakened, thenA pregnant woman can get sick faster than any other person. This - and a common cold, and acute pneumonia. And in fact the main evidence of the presence of an infectious disease is an increase in body temperature. In this case, it means that the body is actively fighting the virus.

It is necessary to have an idea of ​​when the fever in the early stages of pregnancy is caused by pathological causes, and in what - physiological.

Listen to your feelings. If there is infection with viruses or microbes, the expectant mother will feel a general malaise, chills, fever, weakness, loss of appetite. And the temperature level will not be so "harmless" - 38-38.5 degrees. If the temperature at you is above 38 degrees, and it can not be brought down in the home, then you must immediately go to the hospital.

The temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy should not rise above thirty-seven degrees.

If, for some reason, you can not get a doctor's advice for a while, but you need to knock down the temperature, then listen to the tips below.

Carefully and responsibly approach the choiceantipyretic. Almost all drugs, if taken during pregnancy, can affect the development of the baby. This applies even to aspirin, which is taken both separately and in combination with other medicines. Aspirin can disrupt the function of blood clotting, cause bleeding. It turns out that this is especially dangerous in the third trimester of pregnancy. Always read the instructions for medications, check to see if they contain aspirin. If he is still a part of the medicine - do not take it without getting a detailed consultation from a doctor. Prefer drugs based on paracetamol - it will not have a negative effect on the fetus.

If the cause of the temperature isearly pregnancy is ORVI, then do not be afraid of simple folk remedies - milk and honey, tea with lemon, chamomile tea. But to soar your feet or try to keep warm in a hot tub is not worth it.

Keep in touch with your doctor and take care of yourself and the future baby.

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