/ / Washing the fetus: what is worth being afraid of?

Washing the fetus: what is worth being afraid of?

About a third of all pregnant women in the periodbearing of the child faced with such concept as "washing of a fruit". It is important to clarify that this is not a medical term, but many future mothers call it bloody vaginal discharge, which looks like ordinary menstruation. But still, both of these phenomena should not be confused, since they are noticeably different in abundance and duration.

However, some ladies, especially in the firsttrimester, are sure that menstruation still passed and until the next month, nothing is known about the formation of a new life in the womb. Sometimes masticious discharge is repeated and later in pregnancy, but again this phenomenon does not frighten active women, as well as those who have menstrual periods of scarcity and short duration.

The question arises whether it is dangerous to wash the fetus. Obtaining an unambiguous answer to it is very difficult, because even experts are not unanimous in their comments. The situation is twofold, since in most clinical pictures women with similar complaints give birth without the pathologies of healthy and strong children. However, it is still necessary to determine the cause of this process.

Fetal washing, also referred to as implantationbleeding, is caused by the formation of new blood vessels, abundantly growing around the embryo implanted in the wall of the uterus. Newly made vessels are fragile enough and fragile, so they are easily injured, which provokes light and short hemorrhages.

The second reason for this isdetachment of the placenta or fetal egg. It is terrible that many women take such bleeding for washing the fetus and do not pay much attention to them, which can lead to a number of pathological processes and even the disruption of pregnancy. In such cases, the threat of miscarriage increases significantly, as well as the possibility of abnormal fetal development.

Now it is clear why there is a washing of the fetus,the symptoms of which sometimes bring a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to the woman, but, according to experts, in most cases do not harm the health of the mother and child. Pregnant ladies also support this position, but they are vigilant to any anomalies during this period.

However, there is another side to the coin, according towhich washing the fetus is a threat to the safe passage of pregnancy. And that's why: bleeding of this kind can damage the embryo because of negligence and ignorance of a woman about pregnancy. Sometimes busy ladies also do not suspect about the existence of pregnancy, equating the washing of the fetus with monthly menstruation, as a result of which it can unintentionally jeopardize the life and health of its stillborn child. Among the risk factors can be identified smoking, alcohol abuse, the use of strong antibiotics in the early period, dangerous work activity and a wrong lifestyle.

Can also confuse the fact that such bleeding more oftenall appear on days when, in the absence of pregnancy, a woman should have another menstrual period. It is necessary to be vigilant about such a phenomenon as washing the fetus, the signs of which should alarm every woman. That's why you should always be extremely attentive to menstrual cycles and regularly perform pregnancy tests while planning one.

Either way, it is important to understand that anyspotting of unknown origin in a pregnant woman is a warning signal for immediate reference to an experienced specialist who, in turn, can prevent extremely undesirable consequences and significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage.

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