/ / What are the drugs for early termination of pregnancy?

What are the drugs for early termination of pregnancy?

Medication abortion inrecently has become very popular. The method of interruption is chosen by the doctor taking into account the age, term and general condition of the woman. Preparations for the termination of pregnancy in the early stages are improved and new forms are produced, which ensure greater reliability with a minimum of side effects.

drugs for early termination of pregnancy

How do pharmacological drugs work?

After examination at the gynecologist and carrying out allnecessary procedures, the doctor prescribes a suitable drug that will ensure the termination of pregnancy. The effect of such drugs is to block the production of a hormone that maintains the normal course of pregnancy - progesterone, resulting in a so-called miscarriage.

For a woman, this method of interrupting pregnancy is easier both physically and psychologically, because it looks like ordinary monthly, only more abundant and prolonged.

preparations for abortion

Preparations for abortion in earlyterms were developed in France in the 80's, but widely received much later. Now there is a wide variety of medications that provide the desired action.

Benefits of pharmacological abortion

Medical abortion in comparison with surgical has a lot of advantages:

  • easy psychological tolerability of the procedure;
  • no damage to the cervix or endometriumthe uterus, so that women will not subsequently have problems with pregnancy, whereas after a surgical abortion, a woman can no longer become pregnant;
  • high efficiency of the drugs used (more than 95%), this makes it possible to safely and reliably interrupt pregnancy at an early age.

This method is optimal for nulliparaswomen, as excludes problems with repeated pregnancy and does not cause the appearance of scars on the cervix. Drugs for medical abortion are considered safe and effective if they are used according to the doctor's prescription and under his sensitive guidance.

When is it better to have a pharmacological abortion?

Drugs that are effective in the early stages, moreeffective when used before the 4th week of pregnancy. The last period of possible use of pharmacological abortion is 6 weeks. However, in this case, the drug may not provide the necessary action and the pregnancy will not be interrupted.

drugs for abortion

This course of events is strongly influenced by the featuresmenstrual cycle and other individual indicators of a particular woman. That is why, if you want to have an abortion, using drugs to interrupt pregnancy in the early stages, you need to do this as early as possible so that the effect of the medication is as effective as possible.

Contraindications for medical abortions

With any intervention in the physiological processes of the body there are contraindications. Pharmacological abortion is forbidden when:

  • uterine myoma;
  • blood diseases;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to the components of drugs;
  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of scars on the tissue of the uterus or cervix;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • the presence of any genital infections.

In order to rule out the development of complications,Before an abortion, you must conduct a full examination and select the appropriate drug. The name of the drug for the termination of pregnancy can only be said by the attending physician who has all the necessary results of the patient's tests.

Characteristics "Postinora"

Women are often interested in the question of which drugsfor abortion can be used directly after unprotected intercourse. One of these drugs is Postinor. The active ingredient of the drug is levonorgestrel. It provides a thickening of the endometrium, resulting in a fertilized egg can not be implanted in the wall of the uterus.

drugs for medical termination of pregnancy

The drug is used exclusively foremergency contraception and provides its effect only for a few days after unprotected intercourse. The package contains two tablets, one of which must be drunk immediately after sexual intercourse, and the second after 12 hours.

If after taking the first pill occurredvomiting, the second is necessary to drink immediately. It is necessary to use this method of contraception as rarely as possible. It is forbidden to take emergency contraceptive drugs in one menstrual cycle, since this can be fraught with the onset of severe bleeding and hormonal problems.

The use of the drug does not give a 100% guarantee.abortion and has many side effects. That is why recently "Postinor" is being replaced by more effective and safer drugs. Drugs for pregnancy termination before the appointment of a woman for a long time tested.

Characteristic "Gennepristona"

Used as a postcoital contraceptive. Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, it affects the speed of ovulation, slowing it down and thus preventing fertilization, or changes the thickness of the myometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from consolidating in the wall of the uterus.

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Contraindicated in hepatic, renal andadrenal insufficiency, extragenital pathologies, individual intolerance to mifepristone. After taking it causes side effects from the central nervous system (dizziness, headache), nausea and vomiting, as well as weakness, pain in the lower abdomen and urticaria.

The characteristic "Genale"

Genale is a French interruption agent.of pregnancy. Used immediately after unprotected intercourse. Provides obstacles to fertilization or implantation of the egg (depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle).

The active ingredient is mifepristone. These drugs for termination of pregnancy in the later stages are not effective, but can cause pathology of fetal development. Therefore, it is not recommended to take the drug after 72 hours after sexual intercourse. In this case, it is necessary to undergo examination and medical abortion with the help of other drugs.

Characteristic "Mifegina"

Mifegin is the most common andsafe drug used for pharmacological abortion. The active ingredient is mifepristone. Reception should be carried out on prescription in his presence. With an overdose, adrenal insufficiency may occur.

what is the name of the drug for abortion

Once in the body, it acts on the receptorsuterus, blocking the production of progesterone. As a result, the embryo dies and is rejected, the cervix opens, muscle contractions of the uterus occur and the fertilized egg is excreted with menstrual blood from the female genitals. Preparations for termination of pregnancy at this stage are valid for 6-8 hours.

It is important to note that to increase efficiencydrug action is necessary to prescribe prostaglandins that cause muscle contractions, through which the embryo will be pushed out of the uterus. If during this period, to take painkillers, the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced. And the dead embryo can remain in the uterus, causing serious consequences.

Before taking the pills, you must passexamination by a gynecologist and make a pelvic ultrasound. This is necessary to confirm pregnancy and determine the place of attachment of the ovum, as the interruption of ectopic pregnancy with this drug is prohibited. Early abortion preparations do not affect the developing fetus outside the uterus.

In some cases, it may appearunforeseen side effects, such as severe bleeding, requiring the intervention of a physician, continued development of pregnancy, fetal death without removing it from the uterus and others.

Characteristics of "Mifepristone"

"Mifepristone" is a synthetic steroidantigestagen that causes contractile activity of the myometrium. After taking, severe weakness, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea can be observed. Breastfeeding after taking the drug should be stopped for 3 days.

Drugs for drug interruptionpregnancy, which have a validity of up to 9 weeks, are used more often than other analogues. In combination with the drug prescribed reception "Misoprostol", which stimulates contractions and miscarriage after blocking uterine receptors that release progesterone.

Appoint "Mifepriston" can and in other cases:

  • to stimulate labor in the event of intrauterine fetal death;
  • for surgical termination of pregnancy for up to 12 weeks to cause cervical dilation;
  • for a period of 13-22 weeks is used to normalize the action of prostaglandins.

Preparations for termination of pregnancy are taken only after a thorough examination in the presence of a doctor.

Characteristic "Penkroftona"

Pencrofton is a Russian drug. It is an effective tool for abortion, with virtually no side effects and complications. Pharmacological abortion is easy enough for a woman psychologically, and also does not damage the integrity of the uterus and cervix, so that a woman will not have problems in the future if she wants to become pregnant.

non-prescription drugs for termination of pregnancy

Abortion free prescription drugsnot sold, they can be purchased only after a full examination in a special medical institution. The drug is taken only in the presence of a doctor, after that you need to be under the supervision of health workers for some time to prevent the unforeseen consequences of an abortion and, if necessary, receive the necessary assistance in time.

Characteristic of "Mytholian"

It is a complete analogy of "Mifepristone", allindications and contraindications also do not differ. What is the name of a drug for termination of pregnancy, suitable for a certain woman, can only be told by the doctor after the examination.

After taking the pill, the patient mustobserve for several hours to identify possible side effects or complications. After 36-48 hours, an ultrasound examination is performed to determine if a complete miscarriage has occurred, and if there is no fertilized egg or parts of it in the uterine cavity.

If this is not done, the remaining embryo, decomposing in the uterus, will ensure the intoxication of the body and in severe cases may cause the death of the patient or the need to remove the uterus.

To get acquainted with the features of themedical abortion and more to study drugs for abortion, reviews can be found in the public domain on any of the pharmacological agents.

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