Business processes: examples and description
What are business processes? Examples will allow us to better understand this subject, so we will actively use them.
general information
First, let's look at whatare business processes. This is the name of the cumulative sequence of certain actions aimed at converting the resources received at the entrance to a completed product that has value for consumers at the output. With this definition, you can understand that business processes are within each organization. Whether they are formalized or not, it does not matter. Remember: you can everywhere meet business processes. Examples of them will be given further in the article.
Let's look at the household example. There is a housewife who wants to wash dishes (business process). She entrusts this task to the dishwasher. At the entrance we have dirty dishes. During the process, water, detergent and electricity will be used. And on the way out we get clean dishes. Under this scheme, business processes are built. The examples that will be given in the future will only confirm these words.
Functional approach
Since we are interested in the company's business processes(concrete examples), then let's not postpone their consideration, but immediately proceed to the matter. Let's say we have a company that has a functional approach to management issues. According to him, the enterprise is a set of units. And each is working on the performance of its specific function. But in such cases, when individual units are focused on achieving their performance, the overall effectiveness of the company often suffers.
Let's look at one typical process withconflict. The sales department needs to increase the maximum possible range for turnover growth. At the same time, they also want the stock of the goods to be always in stock. While the supply department plans to buy a narrow range and in large quantities. After all, in such cases they will work efficiently, and their main indicator (more precisely, the price from the supplier) will grow. That is, there is a business implementation process, to which departments look differently.
Process approach
He sees everything as a setprocesses. There are basic and supportive. Each process has its own specific goal, which is subordinated to the task facing the whole company. In addition, there is an owner who manages resources and is responsible for the execution of all necessary. There must also be a system for quality control and error correction. Of course, no process can run without resources. And the system of indicators, on which business processes are evaluated, completes the list of components. Examples of this are what, because it was promised that they would? Now let's have one and consider.
Imagine a map. In the center is the main business process. It is divided into separate components. They are accompanied by a manager and supporting processes, which ensure that everything is executed as required. This will be the process approach. When the work of one element is completed, its workings are transferred to the next one.
Description of business processes
Examples of this in general form can be seen inthroughout the article. But the full documentation is often as thick as books (or even larger if the work of a giant company is being studied).
Modeling of business processes (examples of whichalso here are given) requires that all operations of the enterprise are as clear and transparent as possible. This will allow them to analyze them in the best way and to identify various problems before they fail. It should be remembered that the main task of descriptions is to understand the interaction of disparate units, to track what and to whom they transmit at each stage of the assignment. This can significantly simplify the adaptation of new employees and reduce the dependence of the stability of the company on the unstable human factor. Also, with a competent approach, operational costs will be reduced. This is what helps describe the business processes. An example of such optimization can be demonstrated by the manager of almost any successful company.
The order of development
Let's look at a practical examplebusiness process in the enterprise. Initially, we need to take care of the project team. It is made up of company employees. Most often it turns out that one working team is not enough. What then can be undertaken? To fill the shortage of forces you can draw a temporary group. It will not hurt to create a description of how the process works at this point in time. In doing so, we should strive to identify all the links between actions, and not to fix the smallest details.
To avoid going to the side, you canuse standard maps and process forms. When developing processes, it is recommended to use the method of successive approximations. In other words, it is necessary to repeat the cycle of improvement actions until an acceptable result is obtained.
What should I focus on?
You should concentrate on the following sections:
- Standard forms.
- Map.
- Routes.
- The Matrix.
- Flowcharts.
- Description of joints.
- Auxiliary descriptions.
- Documenting.
- A detailed description.
- Definition of indicators and indicators.
- The procedure for implementation.
The concept of necessary elements is bestcan give a real example-reengineering business processes of an existing enterprise. But in such cases it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that you have to familiarize yourself with a huge amount of documentation.
On the cards, let's say a word
So, we have already considered what arebusiness processes, examples of them in real life. Now let's go through the technical documentation, which should be if we need an accurate and clear description. So, initially I want to pay attention to the business process map. It is a graphical representation executed as a block diagram. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that each member has his own separate column. The lines are filled with time intervals. A fully issued card allows you to check whether the operation has been synchronized.
You can also see whether it passes and howinformation between different divisions of the company. To get the best effect, several questions should be raised. Who performs this operation? Why should it be performed? What is it? When is it necessary to carry out the operation? Where is it carried out? When improving the ongoing processes, one should even ask whether it is possible to improve it.
They are necessary for highlighting the most important business processes within the enterprise. During their compilation, the interrelation of everything that is happening, as well as the degree of mutual influence, is taken into account.
When analyzing the chain of processes, it is easyfind that the information exchange moves from the upper left corner to the lower right corner. That is, in such a mathematical form, the relationship between the supplier and the consumer is described as a rectangle. In each cell of the matrix, all necessary requirements for the action are indicated, which were / are / will be made. They are original two-dimensional models, with the help of which one can judge what and how is being done and what purpose is being pursued. The difficulties in composing the matrix here are that to calculate with maximum accuracy, you often have to use a significant amount of data. And this implies the presence of a large amount of information. In such cases, digital information is usually used, which often has to be reckoned.