/ / Stimulation of labor

Stimulation of labor

What determines the motivation of the staff? Today it is considered that it depends on what methods of stimulating work managers use. These methods can have a material or non-material character.

In general, we note that the system of motivation has its own structure. It consists of:

- indirect material motivation;

- direct material motivation;

- non-material motivation.

Direct material motivation is connected with monetaryremuneration of the employee. Stimulation of labor is carried out through a bonus, as well as a basic salary. Under the base salary is understood that part of the salary, which is constant. The prize is something more abstract. As a rule, it is issued for work without violations of existing rules, compliance with the work schedule, implementation (or overfulfilment of the plan), initiative, and so on. Stimulation of labor due to salary is based on the fact that in most cases a person is willing to work selflessly and diligently for the amount that he considers high. Low salaries negatively affect the motivation of employees.

The stimulation of labor with the help of bonuses takes placesomewhat differently. The fact is that an employee must understand something that at any moment can lose it. Bad work leads to the fact that the pocket is empty, but good to the fact that it is full. Yes, money is an excellent motivator.

Indirect motivation is one thatis based on the provision of the so-called social package. Also it is called compensatory. What it is? This is a set of benefits and compensation. We are talking about paying hospital bills, granting holidays, pension deductions and so on. Some organizations provide incentives to work by paying travel to work, free meals and so on.

In this case, everything can be arranged so thatthe employee will regularly perform all the functions assigned to him, even for a small payment. Why? The reasons are that people quickly get used to everything good. He can work for pennies, knowing that soon he will be given a free ticket to the sanatorium, his children will be presented with gifts for the New Year and so on.

There is also an intangiblestimulation. In this case, it refers to the totality of the ways in which the labor incentive is implemented, not related to any monetary payments, benefits, or compensation.

This system consists of traditional, as well as non-traditional elements.

To traditional it is necessary to carry:

- flexible and convenient schedule (working time);

- opportunity for career growth;

- the possibility of self-realization;

- provision of parking space;

- Carrying out corporate events;

- various kinds of awards, letters of commendation;

- the opportunity to be on the board of honor.

Non-traditional methods can be as follows:

- providing additional days off;

- personal gifts from the authorities.

Motivation and work incentives are closely linkedtogether. Why spend money at all in order to stimulate the employee to conscientiously perform duties? Yes, all this really has to spend extra money, energy, time, however, everything pays off faster than it seems. People start to work better, and the enterprise from this successfully develops, it reaches a new level. What can a collective whose members work through their sleeves do? He will not advance the enterprise forward, but, on the contrary, will pull it back.

Is it possible to stimulate labor with the help of a "whip"? In principle, yes, but such methods are best used when the situation is extreme, and the violation of discipline can be observed too often.

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