/ / Process Approach

Process approach

On the existence of the oldest managementclay tablets dating from the third millennium BC, but the emergence of scientific discipline and profession is bound to new ideas. By the middle of the 19th century, the formation of a thought reflecting the need for systematized management of an organization should be attributed. Thanks to special research, new approaches were developed in the management of business or organization. These include: an approach with the allocation of different schools, a process approach, a systems approach, a situational approach. The process approach is management based on the continuity of interrelated management decisions and functions. They consist in planning, organizing, motivating, controlling and creating communications for their communication, as well as in making decisions.

The very term "process" is defined by GOST R ISO9000 (revised 2008). Paragraph 3.4.1 states that it should be understood as a set of different types of activities (they necessarily interact with each other or are interrelated), which converts inputs to outputs. GOST R ISO 9001 (version 2008) is aimed at a process approach to quality management. For any activity or a combination of them, the PDCA cycle (plan-case-control-act) can be applied. As a result, the organization must plan certain activities (including the development of goals), then implement them, while constantly measuring products and processes in accordance with the objectives and policies, implement actions to continuously improve the system's performance.

The advantage of this approach isContinuity of management at the interface of individual functions performed by specific services. Within the framework of the quality management system, the process approach identifies and emphasizes the importance of several points. There must be an understanding and fulfillment of the QMS requirements. Processes must be viewed from the point of value they add. It is also necessary to assess the results (in relation to the planned tasks) of the results and the effectiveness of the system. Only reliable measurements can show an objective picture of improvements.

The process approach is a management strategy. The use of this concept means that in the organization there is management of activities that interact and are interrelated, that is, the inputs of some processes are the outputs of others.

Since the process approach is currentlyis the central requirement of GOST R ISO 9001, then it is possible to determine the main processes that constitute the quality system. This list can be included (depending on the specifics of the organization, it can be expanded, processes are enlarged or fragmented):

  • process of quality management;
  • resource management process;
  • personnel management (including its training);
  • the process of purchasing products;
  • process of design and development;
  • process of production management
  • the process of providing services;
  • the process of product management (including nonconforming products);
  • customer relationship management (including technical service);
  • control of instruments and equipment for monitoring and measurement.

The process approach assumes a clear definitionprocesses, their interactions and interrelations (inputs and outputs), as well as ways of measuring the results. As a rule, all these requirements are prescribed in the documents of the quality system of each organization, and are depicted on the diagram. The documents of the quality system are approved by the head of the organization. Clause 4.2.2 of GOST R ISO 9001 requires the development of a quality manual, where it is necessary to describe how the interaction of processes takes place within the quality system. In addition, it is necessary to define the scope of the quality management system and explain any of its reductions, as well as document the QMS procedures or identify references to their regulatory documents.

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