/ / Shops "Pyaterochka". Reviews of employees about work in "Pyaterochka"

Shops Pyaterochka. Reviews of employees about work in "Pyaterochka"

A federal-level trade network under managementX5 Retail Group combines discounters in the largest cities of the country (including Moscow and St. Petersburg), regional and district centers. The company, which owns the Pyaterochka stores, reviews employees about which are very diverse, is one of the largest employers. What do employees value the network, what are the advantages and disadvantages of paying attention first of all?

The format of "Pyaterochka"

"Pyaterochka" was founded in 1999 and is conceivedas a trade network that sells quality goods at affordable prices. The format of "soft discounter" assumes the rapid purchase of goods of daily demand in walking distance. The company today also focuses on a low price segment, that is, on buyers with an average material income. Stores Pyaterochka, employee feedback about which reflect the complexity of the network, do not differ in a variety of assortment and high-quality service, but satisfy the basic needs of customers.

pyaterochka staff reviews

Work specifics

Features of work in discounter of this formatare associated with large daily flows of customers. Giant patency requires staff concentration, energy and endurance. High indicator of staff turnover, especially among trade workers. Negative feedback from employees about the company "Pyaterochka" are due to the fact that many do not like working conditions and rabid rhythm.

The work of each specialist in the network has its ownFeatures that you should be aware of before making the final decision on employment. For example, the duties of the cashier include working in the hall, laying out the goods on your zone, checking the expiration dates, checking the price tags. If there are no mirrors of the volumetric view, the cashier works all day standing to inspect the shopping trolleys. If you miss the goods, you will have to pay out of your pocket. The material responsibility is borne by everyone: from the cashier to the director. In addition, there is a system of fines.

store pyaterochka staff reviews

Pyaterochka is an employer

Work in Pyaterochka, employee feedback onwhich are ambiguous, this is employment according to the TC, the availability of social programs, health insurance, material assistance, etc. Many note the opportunities for career growth provided by the company, in this regard, much depends not only on the person himself, but also on the loyalty of management, the team , in which you have to work. In addition to stable wages, employees receive bonuses in view of turnover.

work in pyaterochke reviews of employees

A significant problem for X5 Retail Groupis the lack of staff and their high turnover, primarily among the staff of basic staff. For a small salary, ordinary employees have to take on the duties of the seller, cashier, goods expert and longshoreman. Unpaid processing becomes the norm.

Work in Pyaterochka - employee feedback

In his numerous responses to theactivities in the "Pyaterochka" network staff note both the pluses and minuses. Negative opinions are much greater, but there are many employees who support their company. Among the positive aspects of the company, in general, there are excellent employees, "white" wages and a social package.

  • Official employment.
  • Wages are paid without delay.
  • The permissible percentage of losses (delinquency, theft, etc.) established at the expense of the company is established.
  • Pay for sick leave, material assistance, etc.

staff reviews about the company pyaterochka

Any Pyaterochka store, employee feedback onwhich is generally positive, becomes successful due to the well-coordinated work of the whole team, the professionalism of the director and managers. The company itself, as many believe, is a very worthy employer.

What is dissatisfied with the employees of Pyaterochka?

"Pyaterochka", employee feedback about whichcontain a lot of negative comments, is held mainly by ordinary workers. In their responses, they note the incompetence of senior management, its focus on the outside of the work, and not on solving the real internal problems of the company. Many former employees of the network express dissatisfaction about the working conditions in Pyaterochka and note the same shortcomings:

  • Great burdens and additional responsibilities associated with a constant shortage of staff, reductions.
  • Permanent processing (minimum 2-3 hoursdaily), most of them unpaid, free days off. In some stores all are delayed: from the loader to the director of the store Pyaterochka.
  • Employee feedback often affects such a problem as tightening of the bonus conditions, the abolition of discounts for staff. They note that only the leading employees receive large bonuses.
  • Unsatisfactory working conditions. Workers of individual shops complain of roof leaks, sewage smells, malfunctions of doors, etc.
  • Lack of security cameras.
  • The safety and operating procedures at the terminal, cash register are not observed.
  • When applying for a job, they do not provide or sign a labor contract, job description, order, etc.
  • Boorish attitude from the leadership.

pyaterochka staff reviews sbb

What do ordinary employees offer?

Among the comments of ordinary personnel there are alsosuch as in which not only the pros and cons of the employer are noted, but specific wishes for improving the company's commercial and management activities. For example, they suggest working on the assortment, strictly controlling the supply of goods to the RC.

Basic staff draws attention to the lowqualification and lack of special education from managers, directors, sales representatives. They propose to reconsider the system of personnel selection, as the result of incompetence of office workers is huge losses and losses of stores. In competent specialists, departments that carry out orders, logistics centers and the Pyaterochka chain stores themselves need it.

Employees' feedback (Yekaterinburg) contains proposals for creating a more effective motivation system, involving the receipt of bonuses and allowances based on the results of personal work.

pyaterochka reviews of employees in moscow

Negative in work collectives

Given the numerous views of network staff,one can not help but pay attention to the unfavorable socio-psychological climate prevailing in many shops, eternal suspicions, "stukachestvo", theft. Relations in the working collective largely depend on the leader. Will the staff respect the director who employs "dead souls" for the length of service at Pyaterochka company (employee reviews, Moscow), receives wages for them, and assigns duties to subordinates? Should the director encourage conflicts and gossip in the work collective? The store under the leadership of a person incompetent in basic management issues, will never work successfully.

What will not they say at the interview?

Today, almost the norm for manyemployers became misinformation and deceit of applicants applying for any position. Therefore, looking for a new place of work, people independently gather information about the organization, relying on the experience of friends and acquaintances, read reviews. It is important to study the opinions of employees about the separation, about the management, before getting a job in the store "Pyaterochka" (reviews of employees of St. Petersburg). What can silence during the interview?

  • Wages can be 30% less, as a rule, this is only a salary. Establish inflated targets to not pay premiums.
  • In fact, it is necessary to work from 13 to 16 hours (depending on the position), only 10.5 will be paid. When cashiers do not have time, carry out the display of goods at night.
  • They do not pay for nightly inventories, work on weekends, send them on unpaid leave, call for work from holidays, as there are not enough staff.
  • Of the one and a half hours put on the lunch break, it is really possible to use only 15 minutes, in the evening - 5 minutes.

Pyaterochka employee reviews Yekaterinburg


Labor in the field of trade, especially in the networkcompanies are almost always associated with processing and additional responsibilities. The question is how much they will be. In any store, much depends on the director, who is able or unable to motivate the staff, to organize effective work without gigantic loads.

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