/ / Classification of enterprises

Classification of enterprises

The enterprise is a specialorganizational form of economic activity. There are different types of enterprises, but they all function according to the same principles. The enterprise is an independent economic entity possessing the rights of legal entities, and an established entrepreneur or business association. The purpose of establishing an enterprise is the production and (or) sale of products, the performance of works and services. The main task that the company performs is the satisfaction of the needs of the market and society, as well as making profit. As a separate economic structure, the enterprise has the right to establish independently the type and quantity of products that will be produced (this is production activity), sold, bought, distributed (commercial activity). In addition, the enterprise independently chooses methods and methods for distributing the product for its own needs and for other purposes (exchange, accumulation, etc.).

All enterprises in accordance with legal acts arelegal entities that bear property responsibility. The main goal of the activity of any enterprise is to make a profit. To obtain maximum profit, you need to produce goods or services, making sure that the level of expenses incurred in the production and sale of products does not exceed the income from this activity. At the same time, a number of factors are considered that are represented by the demand of customers, their desires, the saturation of the market with one or another product, the ability of the enterprise to produce specific goods and services, as well as the organizational system, including its productivity, the level at which production is organized, -Technical progress. A great role in the success of the enterprise is played by the forms of management and the organization of marketing.

The classification of enterprises is based onprinciple that all enterprises differ from each other for a number of features. The enterprise can be individual, family, state, etc. Very often, so-called firms are called - that is, associations of enterprises that engage in different or identical activities. In addition, enterprises are classified by qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Classification of enterprises by numberemployees divides them into: small enterprises (enterprises employing up to 100 people); Medium-sized enterprises (enterprises employing up to 500 people); and large (enterprises employing more than 500 people). The most important place in the economy of most developed countries is the place of small business. "Small business" is a conditional concept that can not talk about the organizational and legal form of an enterprise, the level of production or turnover. It is worth noting that in developed countries more than half of the working population is employed in small business. The main advantage of this business is the ability to adapt to any market changes and the presence of a high level of competition, which stimulates development.

There is a classification of enterprises byqualitative features, as well as the classification of enterprises by type of ownership - divides them into public and private. In addition, enterprises are classified by the nature of the activity, the type of products produced or sold, ways of conducting competition, participation in various associations. The main qualitative parameter of an enterprise is its organizational and legal form, according to which entrepreneurial activity is conducted.

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