/ / Is it possible to grow melons in the middle band

Is it possible to grow melons in the middle band

Melon is a capricious culture, developmentwhich should occur in special conditions. Therefore, the cultivation of melons in the middle zone of the Russian Federation is futile. This is because these plants should be in the sun and should not be watered too often. But many people in the open land grow a good harvest of melons. How does it work out for them?

Growing melon in the middle band
In order to produce melon growing inmiddle section, you need to choose a site that has protection from winds, as well as good lighting and access to the sun's rays. Prepare for planting seedlings from the fall. The earth is dug to the depth of one bayonet, and then there are 4 kilograms of humus per square meter. When the early spring comes, the site is again to be dug up. Then it is fertilized with potassium and phosphoric preparations. The instruction on the package will help you find the right dosage. Before you start planting melons on the beds, the soil is superimposed with the rotted manure.

For seedling, it is necessary to prepare containers of plastic having a diameter of 8-10 cm. Then they are filled with a mixture of 9 parts of peat, 1 part of sand and a glass of ash per bucket.

For viability of seedlings, you need to wait 25days, so the cultivation of melons in the middle band provides seed sowing in the beginning or middle of May. In one container, planted two or three seeds to a depth of up to five centimeters. The temperature should be equal to 15-20 degrees of heat before emergence. A week after germination seedlings are transplanted, in each container there is only one strongest germ. The upper part of the shoot is plucked after the appearance of the third, fully formed sheet. Seedlings should be watered moderately.

Planting melons
In the first days of June, when it continuesgrowing melons in the middle band, you can plant the finished seedlings in the ground. First dig holes every 70 centimeters with a small amount of humus. They are well hydrated. Then the seedlings are transplanted so that the root system is not damaged. The stem does not recede. When melon planting is finished, it is necessary to water abundantly and sprinkle everything with dry ground. In order for young plants not to die, they must be closed from direct sun rays. It is also recommended that the seedlings be temporarily covered with a film if the temperature fluctuates sharply.

Growing melons in open ground
When planting melons in the open ground, it is necessary to loosen often. It is possible to slightly bite, as a result of which the stem is covered by an earthen roller of small dimensions.

Melons should be watered moderately, but if on the siteoften a lot of dew is formed, then this is enough. A good harvest can be obtained thanks to a pinch, carried out immediately after adapting the transplanted plants to the ground. A little later, sprouts are eliminated, which can no longer bear fruit.

To achieve the result, the plant needsto feed. The first time it is done 15 days after planting (ammonium nitrate). In addition, you can make cow or chicken manure. After the plant, periodically (every 10 days) are fed with complex fertilizers. Their introduction ends at the beginning of the ripening of the fruit.

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