/ / Diseases of the throat: what is laryngitis?

Diseases of the throat: what is laryngitis?

What is laryngitis?

Everyone knows unpleasant symptoms,which occur with a particular disease of the throat. Laryngitis is one of the most common diseases associated with inflammation in the throat, which develops against the background of infection. As a rule, the course of the illness is made worse by hypothermia, smoking, drinking alcohol, contaminated air, etc.

Forms of laryngitis

There are two main forms of the disease: acute and chronic. With proper treatment, a person is completely cured after 1-2 weeks. But while the disease quickly enough progresses. The acute form more often represents an independent disease, which causes excessive physical exertion on the larynx (with intense speech, long singing, etc.). Also, laryngitis may appear against the background of a cold (for example, measles, influenza). What is laryngitis in chronic form? The duration of treatment in this case is more than two weeks. Systematic catarrhal diseases and recurrent acute laryngitis are the cause. To eliminate symptoms, it is necessary to establish the cause, since often this can be caused by a serious enough violation in the human body.

what is laryngitis

How does the disease progress?

What is laryngitis and how does it flow? This question interests many people. Externally, with the disease, the mucous membrane of the larynx becomes swollen, significantly reddens. From inflamed blood vessels can act blood, which looks like dark red dots. Physical changes can also trap the trachea, which leads to the disease of laryngotracheitis. In this case, a person has a strong cough accompanied by a sputum discharge.

The main symptoms of laryngitis

At the initial stage of the disease a person feelssignificant deterioration of the condition, is weak, may (but not necessarily) increase body temperature. When giving a general blood test, there is an increase in the number of leukocytes and an acceleration of the ESR. Visible signs of laryngitis: in the throat there are unpleasant sensations, pain in the process of swallowing. The voice becomes more hoarse, the respiratory function becomes more difficult. The acute form is accompanied by perspiration, dryness. Because of this, a person suffers from a dry cough that gradually becomes wet. In chronic form with insignificant loads fatigue and hoarseness come, there is a constant coughing.

signs of laryngitis

Varieties of laryngitis

After they found out what is laryngitis,it is necessary to determine its appearance. The most famous are catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic, diphtheria, tubercular, syphilitic and professional laryngitis. The first variety involves sagging and sore throat, coughing and hoarseness. At the second kind the person wheezes even more strongly, cough becomes more sated and annoying. Often this form, which the child has had in childhood, completely disappears during puberty.

Treatment of laryngitis

Treatment is necessary only after finding out thatis laryngitis, what is its variety, the severity of the disease. Typically, an experienced specialist will examine the patient's throat, prescribe certain tests and ask simple questions for establishing an accurate diagnosis.

treatment of laryngitis
Treatment of laryngitis in a child is different methods, because not all drugs and recipes are suitable for a child's body.

Do not pull with the disease if the symptoms persist for more than two weeks, and there is no positive effect.

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