How long is the incubation period of angina in children?
Probably, no one had a childhood withoutangina. Even though everyone felt pain in the throat, experienced accompanying symptoms. Parents should understand that this is a dangerous and contagious disease. So you need to limit your child's contact with peers and provide him with competent treatment. Today we want to talk about the incubation period of angina in children. Knowing well how this disease develops and proceeds, you can quickly take measures to alleviate the condition of the baby.
Understand the terminology
In everyday life, we most often call this disease. Sore throat - then, sore throat. Physicians use a somewhat different term - tonsillitis, that is inflammation of the tonsils. This definition can not accurately characterize the development of the disease in children. It is understood that the palatine tonsils are inflamed as a result of an acute infectious process.
The incubation period of angina in children depends onimmunity. The harder it is, the less chance for pathogens to hit the tonsils. Most often, the culprits are bacteria that come to us through direct contact with a sick sore throat and when using common household items. That is why it is so important to know how long the incubation period lasts for children. This will allow you to take security measures.
What is it like?
Most of the readers understand well whatIn question, it is never too late to refresh memory. The incubation period of angina in children and adults begins from the very moment when the bacterium settles on the tonsils. Now you can wait for the main symptoms. It is the time from the entry of harmful bacteria into the pharynx before the manifestation of the disease is called incubation. Here they actively multiply to suppress the protective functions of the body. Then the bacteria can already fully manifest themselves. Most angina develops in the autumn. Although you can not be sure that you will not get sick in the summer, it's also impossible.
Features of the incubation period in children
So simple and unpretentious is theA terrible disease, like a sore throat. The incubation period in children is not much different from the same process in an adult. It depends directly on the immunity of the baby. The stronger it is, the less likely that the disease will develop. The duration of it is also different, so it is difficult to say when the angina begins. The incubation period in children lasts from a few hours to a couple of days.
How can I recognize
In the first place there is sweating andfatigue. Active kids become sluggish, which is atypical. Parents should pay attention to this symptom. If a crumb refused food and began to sleep more, then the strength of the body is directed to something else, most likely to fight infection.
The next sign is malaise. This is a minor aches in joints, lack of activity. Finally, there are the first symptoms, according to which it is already possible to determine exactly what is developing an infectious tonsillitis. It's a sore throat, and then the temperature. The most common cases of sore throat are children, adults account for only a tenth of all cases. This is the main difference between this disease in large and small.
Timely response
The incubation period of angina in a child is an occasionimmediately consult a doctor. Categorically it is not recommended to wait for signs to pass by themselves. If the disease is diagnosed by a doctor on time, then the prescribed therapy will allow you to stand on your feet in a matter of days. It will take literally a week - and you can completely forget about angina and recover.
If there is no treatment or isunprofessional, the disease, by virtue of its neglect, is transformed into a chronic form. But this is not the only variant of the development of events. At self-treatment, angina can go into complex forms. Below we will discuss them in more detail.
What affects the duration of the incubation period
We have already spoken about the main factor, this isimmunity of the child. Indirectly affect the conditions of life, nutrition, the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet. However, not only does this affect the incubation period of angina in children. Komarovsky, in his dialogues with young mothers, does not get tired of telling us that the duration of the incubation period is influenced by:
- type of pathogen;
- severity of form;
- then, how quickly treatment began.
The fastest is the appearance of bacterial angina. However, the optimal cure is possible only if the patient complies with bed rest. The parents' attempt to send the child to the kindergarten turns out that the bacteria settle down in the body for a long time.
We came very close to the fact that there are different types of angina. The incubation period of each of them can be very different, therefore parents should be informed not worse than pediatricians.
Types of sore throat
There are many species, often one formfrom the other only an experienced doctor can. Angina can be catarrhal and follicular, lacunar, and also acquire a fibrous form. Parents usually divide all these species into two groups. The first is a sore throat without abscesses, or catarrhal. The second is all other forms that occur with complications.
Before we go any further, I want againremember the words of the famous doctor Komarovsky. He claims that complications of angina can be very dangerous. Among them there are abscesses and phlegmon of the soft tissues of the throat and neck, which is fraught with a further inflammatory process. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but contact the doctor right away.
Differences in the course of the incubation period
Indeed, since there are different forms,there may also be specific signs that will allow parents to orient themselves more quickly. Let's analyze this with an example of how the purulent angina begins. The incubation period of children lasts from 2 hours to 4 days. That is, the timing of the development of the disease is no different, no matter what form. The tender tissue of the tonsils is very useful for the reproduction of bacteria. After infection, their number begins to increase at a high rate. As a result, inflammation develops rapidly.
Purulent angina is not a complication of the catarrhal
This is a very important point. The absence of treatment of this disease does lead to complications. However, the incubation period of purulent sore throat in children can not be longer than 5 days. If the immunity does not completely destroy the bacteria, then they develop very quickly, and the inflammatory process begins already on the day of infection. If immunity has enough strength to suppress the development of bacteria, then the disease does not manifest itself at all. Therefore, it would be a mistake to believe that if a patient has a severe, purulent angina, then it has become infected long ago, and the disease has reached such a stage. It can develop this way from the first day.
Varieties of purulent form
As already mentioned, it is divided into severalspecies. What incubation period of angina in the child can be, we have already considered. Regardless of the species, it passes for a period of several hours to two days. How will this or that form of the disease go?
- Follicular angina lasts from 3 to 5 days. The first bell is a strong increase in temperature. As the disease develops, the lymph nodes of the tonsils are affected. They become red, then they are swollen with a purulent coating.
- The lacunar form is almost identical, but the symptoms develop even more sharply. Term of treatment is up to 7 days.
Signs of angina in children
There is a specific symptomatology thatis characteristic only of small patients. This again indicates that special attention must be paid to their treatment. Children often have severe swelling of the mucous, tonsils and soft palate. Doctors diagnose rashes on the skin, inflammation of the mucous and lymph nodes, runny nose and cough. In the case of a complicated course of the disease, abdominal pain and severe fever can be noted.
It is very important that a qualified physicianyou can earlier examined your child and prescribed adequate treatment. If the condition worsens, always call an ambulance, as inflammation and the accompanying high fever can be dangerous for your child's life.
Separately, Dr. Komarovsky appeals toparents about the use of folk remedies for the treatment of angina. Even if it is a common cold, it will be much better if you contact an experienced doctor. Doing the same by falling asleep in toe, wiping vodka or vinegar, hovering the legs in the pelvis and applying dozens of similar methods, when the baby develops angina and the temperature rises, is, in his opinion, a crime against the baby. Therefore, consult a pediatrician and use only those treatments that he will approve.