/ What is the incubation period for hepatitis C in humans?

What is the incubation period for hepatitis C in humans?

incubation period of hepatitis c

The term "incubation period" doctors denoteThe time that passes between the ingestion of the virus and the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. This time interval is considered one of the main criteria of the disease, because it reflects the interaction of the patient and the virus.

Hepatitis C

The incubation period of hepatitis C, as alreadymentioned above, can last from a few days to six months. The initial stage of the disease is called "pre-zheltushny period" and lasts from four days to a week. This stage is characterized by such symptoms as disrupted intestinal work, digestive problems, persistent colic in the abdomen and the so-called asthenic-vegetative syndrome. Many patients recalled in hindsight that the incubation period of hepatitis C was commemorated for them by undefined mood swings, violent irritability, increased fatigue and insomnia. Among the common symptoms should also be called rapid, as during running, the pulse.

Stages of

After the incubation period of hepatitis Cends, to replace it comes icteric stage. It usually lasts from one to three weeks, and all of the above symptoms are manifested more and more. Over time, vomiting and permanent weakness are added to them. The spleen of the patient thus considerably increases in sizes.

incubation period of viral hepatitis a


When the incubation period of hepatitis C approachesend, you will learn about it for the following symptoms: asthenic-vegetative and dyspeptic syndromes; acute pain in the joints (the shape of the bones does not change, deformations are not observed); fits of vomiting; rashes on the skin. By the way, the epidermis of the patient acquires a characteristic yellowish shade. The patient's urine becomes darker, and the excrement, on the contrary, turns pale. On ultrasound it can be found that the liver and spleen have multiplied. It should be noted that in a number of cases the disease can develop without external manifestations. The diagnosis is made already at the chronic stage, that is, when the liver is almost completely destroyed by cirrhosis. This is the main danger, which is a long incubation period of hepatitis.

incubation period of hepatitis

Hepatitis A

This is a viral disease that also affectsliver. It is transmitted mainly by the fecal-oral route. This virus is in some way special: unlike its counterparts, it is resistant to the environment and can survive several months at room temperature. The incubation period of viral hepatitis A is the time when the infection already multiplies in the human body, and he does not suspect about it and continues to live a normal life: gets into sexual relations, often neglects personal hygiene ... But the transmission of the virus can quite happen through water, food or , for example, a towel (this way is called contact-household). That is why the disease is so often diagnosed in young children and adolescents - they get it from their parents. Fortunately, 90 percent of patients have a full recovery.

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