What helps with nausea
In some women, the digestive system givesfailure from the first weeks of pregnancy. At many unpleasant sensations disappear by the end of 4 months. More often than not, the patients complain of morning sickness. Attacks are possible at a later time of the day. Traditional medicine has a huge amount of money and advice on what helps with nausea during pregnancy. Without consulting a supervising doctor, none of them can be taken to avoid side effects. Especially dangerous are herbs that have abortive effects.
1. Slowly get up from bed.
It is known that helps with nausea, the course of taking a complex of vitamins of group B before bedtime. The usual waking up should be thought out in advance, put under the script of the solemn ritual, it is important to rise and slowly, without any sharp movements. In conditions that allow you to stay in bed, it is recommended to lie down with a sense of accomplishment, planning your day.
2. It is important to monitor the state of the stomach. Women know that helps with a nausea handfulcrackers. Due to physiological changes in the body, the urge to vomit can arise from irritation of the mucous membrane with digestive juices, including hydrochloric acid, if there is no food in the stomach. Some women put the croutons on the nightstand in the evening, and in the morning, not taking a vertical position, dissolve several pieces.
For the same purpose, in order not to become prone to vomiting, pregnant women strictly adhere to a fractional diet.
3. Nutrition and nausea.
Usually, unpleasant feelings follow the futuremother at certain times of the day. It is important to establish a critical time of day and not eat during this period. Observation found that helping with nausea use of fiber. Those women who have made the basis of nutrition of vegetables and fruits, are much less likely to have the urge to vomit. Fat food, spices and spicy seasonings during pregnancy often complicate the digestive process. Aromatic dishes, with a specific smell, it is undesirable to cook, it is better to refuse them.
Dieticians advise not to use those foods,which cause disgust. After all, many women, relying on the value of some substance, eat some dishes, overcoming, at times, disgust. It is unlikely that such a meal will benefit the fetus.
4. It is known that it helps with zinc nausea. Zinc-containing foods in pregnant womenwomen have an antiemetic function. With his participation there is a synthesis and decomposition of nucleic acids, which are the main genetic material. Zinc is rich in chicken, beef and pork liver. Cedar nuts and peanuts will successfully replenish the body with zinc. Oatmeal is indispensable for a successful combination of trace elements and vitamins, including zinc content.
5. You should study your own cosmetic bag for irritating odors. After the body has undergone somephysiological changes, previously habitual components of lipstick, shadows and creams can now cause nausea. This is especially true of perfumes, which sometimes pregnant women have to give up. Lipstick and shadows can easily be replaced with similar colors, but without the smell.
In the same way testing is donehygienic means. Many women who before pregnancy did not tolerate the smell of peppermint, enjoy using toothpaste with its smell. At the same time, they say that mint does not cause nausea.
6. Simple water, which is used in optimal amounts, helps with nausea. Lack of fluid in the body of a pregnant womana woman causes vomiting. After all, the reflex act is associated with the loss of water by the body. Even a short period of dehydration causes dizziness, fainting and problems. It is dehydration, continuing the vicious circle, causes repeated urge to vomit. Therefore, you need to closely monitor the water balance in the body throughout pregnancy.