/ Nausea: Causes and Treatment.

Nausea: causes and treatment.

Nausea is an unpleasant sensation in the areastomach, esophagus and oral cavity. Usually, soon after nausea, vomiting occurs. Often the feeling of nausea is accompanied by sweating, weakness and increased salivation. At this moment, blood pressure decreases, skin turns pale, hands and feet become cold. Nausea can occur at different times of the day and be one of the symptoms of various diseases and conditions.

Morning sickness. The reasons for its occurrence may be different. Women are nauseous in the morning during pregnancy. Men - after drinking a lot of alcohol on the eve (alcohol poisoning). In children, morning sickness can be associated with the presence of worms in the body. In the mornings, people who have impaired gastrointestinal function are sick. This phenomenon arises, mainly in diseases of the stomach. The morning feeling of nausea worries and with vascular disorders.

Medicinal nausea. The reasons for it speak for themselves. A side effect of many medicines is nausea and dizziness. Almost all chemopreparations have this effect, which are used in the treatment of cancer. Nausea is often caused by contraceptives taken by women.

Evening nausea. The causes of nausea at this time, asusually associated with excessive consumption of fatty foods in the afternoon. Usually people who suffer from peptic ulcer or gastritis react to the error in nutrition. During pregnancy, it can also vomit in the evening hours. There is a rare form of epilepsy, in which attacks of nausea occur at night and are accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Swaying or "transport nausea". The reasons for it are easily explained. When traveling in a car, airplane or maritime transport, the special cells of the vestibular apparatus become irritated, which are responsible for the position of the body in space. But this is not the reaction of all people. The degree of susceptibility to movement is determined by the innate characteristics of the vestibular apparatus.

Toxic nausea. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the effect on the emetic center of the brain of various harmful agents that enter the body as a result of poisoning and infections.

A common cause of dizziness and nausea in anytime of day - diseases of the brain vessels. Migraine, intracranial hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, violation of venous outflow of the brain are not the whole list of pathological conditions accompanied by headache, dizziness and nausea.

Craniocerebral injury complicated by concussionthe brain will always show nausea, dizziness and headache. But such a disease as meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) is different in that vomiting occurs without previous nausea.

Treatment and care

With regular nauseathe detection and treatment of a causally significant disease. If the feeling of nausea arose during an acute illness, you can use drugs called "cerukal" and "raglan". Their active ingredient is metoclopramide. A similar action is possessed by sulpiride ("eglonil", "dogmatil"). But nevertheless, the preferred drug, stopping nausea, is aeron. Take it one tablet two or three times a day, slowly dissolving under the tongue. Sometimes nausea occurs after taking Validol or anestezin in a small dose. The pronounced effect is possessed by toreakan (diethylperazine) and etaperazine. They are prescribed intramuscularly in an amount of 1 to 2 milliliters. It is recommended to take all medications as prescribed by the doctor.

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