Side effects of "Phenazepam" and contraindications
About "phenazepam" you can say a lot of good things likeabout an effective medicine. But its side effects are quite significant. Therefore, his appointment should come only from the doctor, and the application should be carried out only under his supervision.
pharmachologic effect
This drug is a tranquilizer with a largedegree of activity. He surpasses in intensity of his influence many other means of this group. It calms, reduces or even eliminates the feeling of anxiety, stops seizures, relaxes muscles and saves from insomnia.
Systemic side effects
The positive effect of the action of "Phenazepam" is an anticonvulsant, soothing and relieving anxiety effect. And also relaxation of muscles.
Side effects of "phenazepam" are manifesteda feeling of fatigue, arising for no apparent reason. The pronounced soothing effect of the drug may be side effected by drowsiness, inattention, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment.
In view of the pronounced anticonvulsant actionthere may be a violation of coordination of movements, slowing of memory, dizziness. Violated internal consistency in physical and mental reactions. Depression or unexpected euphoria is manifested. There may be headaches.
In view of the expressed miorelaksiruyuschego action side effect is a disruption of the muscles of the respiratory group, which is especially dangerous for life.
Violation of the blood composition can also provoke "phenosepam". Side effects of it are the development of agranulocytosis, leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.
In the digestive system is disruptedConsistency of muscle contractions as a result of the impact on the conduct of impulses with the drug "Phenazepam". Side effects are manifested by nausea, vomiting. Violated stool (diarrhea, constipation). The liver suffers. There may be yellowing of the skin.
As a result of a violation of muscle tonesphincters arise involuntary urination. Side effects of "Phenazepam" include a violation of libido, the emergence of severe menstrual pain. There may be allergies in the form of rash, itching.
The withdrawal syndrome
Even if "Phenazepam" is used strictlyprescription, under the supervision of a doctor and in small dosages, the drug can cause a pronounced addiction. In the case of prolonged continuous use in humans, a strong dependence can be formed, which results in serious disorders of the nervous system. This is manifested a high degree of nervousness, causeless change of mood, depressiveness, insomnia, nausea.
Patients who have concomitant diseasesliver or kidney in severe form, "Phenazepam" is recommended only under the constant supervision of a doctor. Very cautiously the agent can be appointed or nominated to people who in the past have already got used to any of medicinal preparations and had a psychological dependence. Caution is used in elderly patients "Fenazepam", contraindications and side effects of which are more dangerous for them due to the presence of age-related diseases - problems with pressure, heart, joints, memory and attention.
"Phenazepam" is strictly not recommended for use with myasthenia gravis, obstructive bronchitis, respiratory failure, children and adolescents under 18 years.
Strictly contraindicated in pregnancy"Phenazepam." Contraindications and side effects of it are associated with the possibility of penetrating the placental barrier, inhibiting the development of the fetal nervous system, contributing to the formation of congenital malformations.
The action of "phenazepam" may be excessive evenwith a slight excess of the dose. Overdosing of the drug quickly leads to a constant irritant state, sleep disturbance, excessive stimulation. A slight excess of the dose has a very negative effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. The pressure decreases, the heart rate increases.
Scary mixture
"Phenazepam" was widely used for treatmentalcohol dependence. After discharge from the clinic, former patients continued to receive the drug in pharmacies according to prescriptions. The side effects of "Phenazepam" appeared in all its glory. With alcohol it is strictly forbidden to take it! The result can be deplorable.
Patients with alcoholism could drink the drugalcohol-containing drink, thereby increasing the side effects of "phenazepam". Later it turned out that such a cocktail forms heavy compounds, which have a destructive effect on the cerebral cortex. At the same time hallucinations and mental disorders of behavior are provided for several days. Unfortunately, not all of them managed to get out of this state. This mixture increased the feeling of depression at times. It is also frightening that this led to a dulling of the instinct of self-preservation and to the absence of fear of death.
The account of suicides, which were provoked by such a rattling mixture, goes to thousands. The action of this cocktail reaches its peak very quickly, within half an hour.
In addition, alcohol addicts resisttreatment, showing aggression, suspicion. They do unexpected things. Their habitual reaction to the desire of others to help is manifested by pronounced hostility.
Needless to say, to exclude the possibilityindependent appointment of this tranquilizer. Only a specialist can prescribe or cancel the drug "Phenazepam". Side effects, reviews about its positive and negative effects, the general condition of the patient, concomitant diseases, lifestyle, dependencies - everything is taken into account.