/ / "Arthrosan": analogues, instructions and references

"Arthrosan": analogues, instructions and references

How and for what use should the drug be used"Arthrosan"? The instructions, analogs and indications for the purpose of this medication will be described below. Also we will tell you about the form in which the medicament and its substitutes are made, what components are included in their composition, what the patients are saying about them, etc.

arthrosan analogues

Form, packaging and description of the drug, its composition

In what form is the medicament "Arthrosan" realized? Analogues and self-medication have different forms of release:

  • Pills. Active substance of this form is meloxicam. It also includes auxiliary elements in the form of lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium citrate, povidone, potato starch and magnesium stearate. Tablets "Artrozan" (analogues Russian and foreign will be presented in the article) can have different shades of yellow. Such a preparation is produced in a flat form with a facet and a risk in the middle. It is packed in blisters, which are placed in a cardboard box.
  • Solution for intramuscular injection of "Artrozan"(injections). Instructions for use (analogs of this form are presented below) states that this medication also contains the basic substance in the form of meloxicam. In addition, the solution contains additional components such as sodium chloride, glycine, poloxamer, water, a monomolar sodium hydroxide solution, and glycofurol. This form of the drug is available as a transparent and yellow-green liquid in ampoules packed in cardboard packs.

Forms of analogues and their composition

If you can not use the drug "Artrozan" you can apply the following analogs:

  • A solution for intramuscular administration of "Movalis". The active substance of this drug is meloxicam (auxiliary components: meglumine, poloxamer, glycofurfurol, glycine, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, water d / u).
  • Tablets of flat-cylindrical form "Meloksikam". The active ingredient of this medication is also meloxicam (excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, povidone, sodium citrate dihydrate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, silicon dioxide colloid, calcium stearate).
  • Tablets and solution for injections "Melbek". The active element of this drug is meloxicam (secondary ingredients: povidone, anhydrous lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium citrate, crospovidone, colloidal anhydrous silica).

The mechanism of action of the drug "Artrozan" and its analogues. Pharmacokinetics

How does the drug "Artrozan" work? Analogues and the medication itself containing an active substance, such as meloxicam, are derivatives of oxycam. They have an anti-inflammatory effect by blocking the enzyme cicoxygenase-2 and the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are directly involved in the arachidonic acid cycle.

After the use of drugs, the activity of inflammatory mediators, as well as the permeability of the vessel walls, is significantly reduced. At the same time, reactions with free radicals slow down.


Anesthetic effect of drugs is due to a decrease in the activity of the interaction of nerve endings and prostaglandins.

What are the pharmacokinetic featuresHas the medicine "Artrozan"? Analogues and the above mentioned drug reach a maximum concentration in the blood for 3-5 days. Medications bind well to proteins (about 99%). Their metabolism takes place in the liver, resulting in the formation of 4 metabolites. However, they play no role in the pharmacodynamic processes.

Drugs are excreted from the body together with urine and feces.

Features of analogues

  • The drug "Movalis" has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in any inflammation of the joints of the body.
  • Medication "Meloksikam". The anti-inflammatory effect of this drug is associated with a slowing down of the enzymatic activity of COX-2.
  • Medication "Melbek", as well as other analogues, belongs to the NSAID group.

Indications for the use of the drug "Artrozan" and its analogues

An analogue of the medicine "Artrozan" and thethe drug is prescribed for the same indications. All of the above drugs are designed to treat various inflammations of the joints, accompanied by pain syndrome:

  • with osteochondrosis;
  • with osteoarthritis;
  • with rheumatoid arthritis;
  • with myositis;
  • with ankylosing spondylitis;
  • with radiculitis.

arthrosan injections instruction on the use of analogues

Contraindications to the use of the drug and its analogues

Under what conditions can not use the drug"Arthrosan", analogs of this drug? According to the attached instructions, the following medicines have the following contraindications to the use of the medicines ("Arthrosan", "Movalisa", "Meloxicam", "Melbek"):

  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • drug allergy;
  • susceptibility to drug substances;
  • intolerance of NSAID groups;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • age up to 15 years;
  • polyps in the nasal cavity and nose;
  • severe forms of renal, cardiac and hepatic insufficiency;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • hemophilia;
  • lactation and pregnancy.

How should I take medications "Movalis", "Meloksikam", "Melbek" and "Artrozan"?

Analog "Movalis", as well as preparations "Meloksikam" and "Melbek" are prescribed in the same dosages as "Artrozan".

Preparations in the form of tablets are prescribed once inday during meals, they should be washed down with plain water. The daily dose of these drugs is 7.5-15 mg (depends on the course of the disease and the intensity of the pain syndrome).

analogue of arthrosan in ampoules

If medication can not be taken orally, thendoctors prescribe intramuscular injections. In this case, the daily dosage is also 7.5-15 mg. In this case, therapy starts with small doses and increases it to achieve the desired effect. It is highly recommended not to exceed the dose, since in this case the risks of adverse reactions may increase.

Overdose with medicines

With the use of increased doses of "Artrozan", "Movalis", "Meloksikam" and "Melbek", the following symptoms may appear in the patient:

  • indigestion;
  • pain in epigastrium (bleeding in the stomach is possible);
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • impaired consciousness;
  • stopping breathing;
  • asystole;
  • disorders in the work of the liver and kidneys.

To eliminate such signs, the affected person is washed with a stomach and appointed with enterosorbents.

Side effects of "Arthrosan" and its analogues

arthrosan analogues Russian

When taking drugs "Artrozan", "Movalis", "Meloksikam" and "Melbek" quite often there are such undesirable phenomena as:

  • food indigestion, belching, stomach ulcer, gastric bleeding;
  • hepatitis, increased activity and level of liver enzymes, acute renal failure;
  • bronchospasm, angioedema, peripheral edema;
  • tachycardia, anaphylaxis;
  • leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia;
  • headache, disorientation, drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision;
  • esophagitis, allergic reactions on the skin, photosensitivity, skin itching;
  • stomatitis, conjunctivitis and urticaria.

Drug Interactions

Combine the preparations "Artrozan", "Movalis", ""Meloksikam" and "Melbek" with other medicines should be very cautious. To find out which complex of drugs is acceptable for the treatment of joints and which one is not, it is necessary to consult a doctor and study the attached instructions. By the way, the following features of the preparations are indicated in the latter:

  • in combination with the means of lowering the pressure, their effectiveness is reduced;
  • in combination with "Cyclosporine" and diuretics, the risk of developing kidney failure increases;
  • in combination with fibrinolytics, vitamin K antagonists, heparin and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, bleeding may occur in the patient.

Also it should be said that the medicines"Arthrosan", "Movalis", "Meloksikam" and "Melbek" with special care combine with lithium preparations, intrauterine contraceptives, other NSAIDs, "Kolestyramin" and "Methotrexate".

Special recommendations for the acceptance of analogues

The use of non-steroid drugs for the treatment of joints can mask serious infectious diseases that occur in the body of the patient.

arthrosan analogue

With long-term use of medicines (longer than two weeks), it is necessary to monitor liver and kidney function.

If a person has a predisposition tothe occurrence of an ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, then use medicines "Artrozan", "Movalis", "Meloksikam" and "Melbek" should be very careful. In this case, it is better to use a solution for intramuscular injection.

When effects occur that are related toa decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions, it is necessary to stop working with complex mechanisms, and also in no case to sit behind the wheel of motor vehicles.

Medicinal analogue

"Arthrosan" in ampoules and tablets has manyanalogues in the modern pharmaceutical market (Russian and foreign). The main analogues were listed above. Also to similar preparations it is possible to carry:

  • "Matarin",
  • "Bee-ksikam",
  • "Medsikam"
  • "Movasin",
  • "Lem",
  • «M-kam»,
  • "Mesipol",
  • "Ameloteks,
  • Meloks,
  • Meloksam,
  • "Movix",
  • "Meloflam" and others.

The most approximate analogue of the drug"Arthrosan" is a "Movalis" medication. It is also an NSAID. This agent refers to the derivatives of enolic acid. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Also very often the drug"Arthrosan" is replaced with "Meloxicam" or "Melbek". These are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

All of the above analogs are designed to reducepain, which is manifested in various diseases of the joints. It is rather difficult to distinguish among them, especially effective, as all of them fully cope with the task.

It should also be noted that these drugs have similar side effects and contraindications (see above).

analogue of arthrosan medicine

Patients' comments about medications

Most people leave positive reviewsabout preparations "Atrosan", "Movalis", "Meloksikam" and "Melbek". In their opinion, these medicines are available, but they are highly effective. Many patients, they in the shortest time help get rid of pain syndromes, which are manifested in various joint diseases.

It should also be noted that the tablet form of these drugs has the same effect as injections.

From the minuses of the drug "Atrosan" and the above-mentioned analogs, side reactions in the form of stomach pains, headaches and dizziness are especially often noted.

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