What should I do if I shoot in the ear?
Inflammation of the ear in medical practice is called otitis. There is diffuse and external otitis media.
When external otitis occurs furuncle on the outsideparts of the auricle, besides, the skin of the ear is severely damaged. In general, external otitis occurs due to bacteria and various fungi, but it can also occur if you constantly touch the ears with dirty objects or, for example, matches with wrapped cotton wool. The chance to get otitis externa is higher in people with gout, diabetes and hypovitaminosis of the most important vitamins (A, B, C).
The second form of otitis media is diffuse. During diffuse otitis inflammation spreads to the eardrums and inner parts of the ear. Diffuse otitis occurs in chronic purulent form of otitis media.
During external otitis there is severe painduring a touch to the ears, shoots in the ear during the opening of the mouth, there are purulent discharge from the ear. Because of pus in the ears, the patient becomes blocked, the hearing is slightly worse. From the fact that the furuncle appears in the ear, the patient can not turn his head, while turning the head strongly shoots in the ear.
With a diffuse form, the ear canal thickens. If a diffusive form in a person develops otoscopy, conduct tests for bacteria and fungi in the auricle.
Otitis externa is treatable. It is conducted in a hospital. The treatment uses warming compresses, various types of physiotherapy, autohemotherapy, vitamins. In especially severe cases, when the ear shoots and the patient can not even talk about it and turn his head freely, prescribe antibiotics. In case the problem deepens and the usual treatment does not help, the person is sent to the autopsy of the ear. He is greased with an ear with ointments and washed with medicinal solutions. In the most severe cases, radiation and a laser are used.
Acute otitis media appears due togetting bacteria inside the ear. When they pass into the middle part, they cause a strong inflammation of the ear cavities and a condition arises when it shoots in the ear, pus stands out, the inflammatory process begins.
During the disease there is a general weakeningstate of the body. The disease extends to the entire nasal cavity and nasopharynx. During the illness in the ear shoots, there are severe pains in this part of the head, the hearing decreases, painful sensations arise when swallowing. The person raises the temperature to 39 degrees, there is a runny nose and cough. Otoscopy shows that the vessels in a person are greatly expanded, and leukocytosis is found in the blood. When pus flows, a person's fever decreases and the general condition improves, shoots in the ear are much less, and headaches stop.
During treatment of acute otitis mediahospitalized. The hospital performs a complete examination, takes the necessary tests, checks the auricle, the amount of pus collected in the ear and conducts other procedures that help in arranging the correct diagnosis. During hospitalization, a person needs 10 days to rest in peace and relax. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics (if there is no allergy) and antipyretic drugs, and also use physiotherapy and warming compresses. In the most severe cases, a person is given painkillers and drops of vasoconstricting drops drip into his nose.
If the disease is started before the last stage andgot to the brain, the person is operated and clears the ear from stagnant pus. After surgery, a person's hearing is severely impaired, therefore purging is prescribed. After several such procedures, the hearing returns to normal.
The disease is well treatable, therefore, having passedall designated stationary forms of treatment, you can achieve complete healing. Take care more carefully for your health, that's how you can avoid various diseases.