/ / Solutions for nebulizer inhalers: treat catarrhal diseases

Solutions for nebulizer inhalers: treating catarrhal diseases

For sure, every person at least oncehe wondered why doctors prescribed pills and potions for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Of course, balloons with aerosol and gargling are also not forgotten, but they serve, rather, as auxiliary, but not essential medicines. Paradoxical situation: going to the pharmacy, many people ask exactly the pill for cold, but not aerosols, despite the fact that the infection is in the upper respiratory tract, and not in the stomach. Such a decision, nevertheless, is effective, but at what cost! The drug, after getting into the body, is dissolved and absorbed into the circulatory system, spreading across all its corners, including the target organ (throat, bronchi, lungs, nose). Producers of drugs do not hide that there are confirmed side effects of such treatment, sometimes quite significant.

At the same time, our grandmothers were also treatedDiseases of the respiratory system by inhalation. Everything was done very simply: water was boiling in a saucepan, then it was removed from the stove, a medicine or grass was added, and the person breathed in pairs, covering himself with a towel. Primitive? Yes very. But the effectiveness is high, because the medicine is delivered directly to the site of infection. Soon there were home inhalers, working on the same principle. In large hospital inhalers, the active substance was sprayed with a compressor air stream, and an aerosol was obtained at the outlet in the nozzle. Aerosol - it's floating in the air the smallest particles.

Now there are special devices -Nebulizers, whose task is the same as that of inhalers. Solutions for inhalers nebulizers can very successfully deal with many diseases without swallowing tablets. The very word "nebula" of Latin origin, meaning fog, and fog - this is a kind of aerosol (particles of water in the air). Difference from the classical inhaler in the way of obtaining these very particles of the drug. Solutions for inhalers nebulizers can be sublimated by the compressor, temperature and ultrasound. Each of them has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when acquiring. For example, ultrasonic models destroy some kinds of antibiotics.

Let us consider what are the solutions forinhalers nebulizers, so that the disease is not taken by surprise. Use of such devices is recommended for the first symptoms of the disease, without waiting until the body is finally weakened. A solution for a nebulizer with a cold, this "little" trouble, which disrupts the comfort of a familiar life, can be prepared from ordinary water and salt. Salt removes the edema, oppresses pathogenic bacteria, simplifies the cough. To not leave the disease a single chance, you need to add eucalyptus oil. Solutions for nebulizer with a cough are various: folk remedy - honey and scarlet in NaCl solution, and for connoisseurs of modern - lazolvan in mixture with saline solution. By the way, be sure to read the instructions to the device, because some have limitations on the drugs used. For example, sometimes it is forbidden to use decoctions of herbs and essential oils.

To young children, especially sensitive todrugs, it is better to offer to breathe aerosol from saline (it is completely harmless) or high-quality mineral water, and to resort to more serious decisions in extreme cases and under the supervision of a doctor. Clearly, good solutions for nebulizer inhalers make it possible to quickly stop the further development of the disease, while preserving the habitual way of life. Often manufacturers of nebulizers indicate in the instructions to the device some popular mixtures, which is quite convenient.

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