/ / Tocopherol protects the body from viruses and free radicals

Tocopherol protects the body from viruses and free radicals

Vitamin E is a combination of fat-solublebiologically active tocopherols and tocotrienols, which have strong antioxidant properties. They participate in the synthesis of proteins and many important processes of tissue metabolism. There are eight forms of vitamin E, they are divided into two groups: tocopherols and tocotrienols. Of these, four are tocopherols and four to tocotrienols. They are designated by the prefixes alpha, beta, gamma and delta. This fat-soluble vitamin settles in fatty tissues, its deficiency is not immediately apparent, therefore it is diagnosed with great difficulty. This important vitamin comes with food. Tocopherol protects the body from viruses, prevents cell oxidation and aging, promotes resorption of clots and prevents their formation, participates in cellular metabolism and respiration of cells. Thanks to this vitamin, the nutrition of the cells improves, the walls of the blood vessels and the myocardium are strengthened. According to the standard existing in our country, the daily requirement for tocopherol is 10 mg.

In vegetable oils, liver, chicken eggs,cereals, nuts, butter and milk contains tocopherol. The instruction informs that, when entering the body, the drug is absorbed (with the help of bile acids) by 50%, the metabolic products are excreted from the body with urine, and the unadsorbed part of the drug - with feces. With insufficient intake of vitamin in the body, the balance is broken: it comes less than it is consumed. Due to a systemic deficiency of vitamin E, which is the invisible and the main cause of many diseases, the work capacity decreases and the aging processes of the organism are accelerated: the free radicals induced at the cellular level lead to the appearance of many chronic degenerative diseases.

Vitamin E, as an antioxidant, helpsstabilize the cell membranes and protect the tissues of the skin, eyes, liver, breast and testicles, which are more sensitive to oxidation. It protects the lungs from oxidative damage by harmful substances that come from the environment. Vitamin E helps to preserve the biological activity of vitamin A - this is another very important fat-soluble vitamin. It also protects unsaturated fatty acids in the body and prevents the oxidation of certain hormones, for example, produced by the pituitary and adrenal glands. The formation of free radicals and oxidation processes are associated with the development of cancer, so that food antioxidants, including vitamin E, can help in preventing tumor growth. In addition, tocopherol protects the body from viruses.

Vitamin E is useful for prevention and treatmentnumerous diseases. The antioxidant properties characteristic of it, help in the treatment of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin E supports the immune system, producing an immune protein that kills viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells. It is known that this vitamin is effectively used in the prevention and treatment of herpes simplex (formed on an inflamed base of grouped vesicles with transparent contents), that is, tocopherol protects the body from herpes viruses that are common and highly contagious and can stimulate the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin deficiency can lead to drowsiness,inability to concentrate attention, the emergence of reproductive problems, muscular dystrophy and nervous dysfunctions. Also, some other factors can contribute to vitamin E deficiency. For example, poor absorption of fat, as it is a fat-soluble vitamin and the body can not take it if the diet lacks fats. Thus, one must keep in mind that the absorption of one nutrient depends on other nutrients. At the same time, a balanced diet is the key to a healthy body and preventing diseases, and tocopherol protects the body from viruses, preventing the formation of free radicals only under certain conditions, one of the main is the right set of foods in the diet.

Vitamin E is available in capsules containing100 mg of active substance in sunflower oil (tocopherol acetate). The instruction indicates that the usual daily dose can vary from 100 to 300 mg. If necessary, it can be increased to 1000 mg per day. Possible allergic reactions occur at high doses in the form of diarrhea, abdominal pain. The drug should not be administered with hypersensitivity to tocopherol. During pregnancy or breastfeeding, vitamin E may be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

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