/ / Vitamins in food

Vitamins in food

Healthy is the food in which all nutrients and vitamins are stored. Therefore it is important to preserve vitamins in food during cooking.

The role of vitamins in human nutrition is great. They are compounds of organic nature, are part of the enzymes and have a catalytic role, that is, in fact, in their presence, the assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by our body takes place. To date, about 20 vitamins are known, they are all necessary, and each has a specific function. Let's consider the most important of them:

• Vitamin A (otherwise it is also called retinol) -It is necessary for normal vision and full-fledged work of the skin. In addition, without the retinol, normal functioning of the immune system is impossible. The content of vitamins in foods can be different, most of all retinol in foods such as fish liver, chicken eggs, butter, apricots, carrots. It should be noted that vitamin A belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins, so the above foods should be eaten in the presence of fats, for example carrots dressed with sour cream, add cream to apricots and so on.

• Group B vitamins.

B1 (or thiamine) - promotes the transformation of food into energy, and so is necessary for good memory and keen attention. Its a lot in cereals, dairy products and fresh meat.

B2 (or riboflavin) - also turns food into energy, nourishes the brain. The body receives it along with milk and meat.

B3 (or niacin) - carries the same functions as B2. It enters the body together with meat, fish, it is much in beans, peas, beans, soy.

B6 (pyridoxine) - carries the same functions, plus everything involved in the synthesis of blood. Its a lot in fish, meat, vegetables and bran.

B9 (known as folic acid) - is involved inthe synthesis of cells and tissues, which is why folic acid is usually prescribed at the beginning of pregnancy, when the laying of all organs. Its a lot in grain bread, various cereals, milk, vegetables and fruits.

B12 (cyanocobalamin) - converts food into energy,is necessary for the normal functioning of immunity and the brain. The body comes with milk and meat. Vitamins in food of group B, undoubtedly, are of great importance, the role of these amazing organic compounds can be spoken endlessly.

• Vitamin C (known as ascorbic acid) - is necessary for the work of immunity, protects cells and tissues from the effects of free radicals. Lack of ascorbic acid leads to loss of elasticity of the skin and tissues. In any acidic fruits contain these vitamins, in food it can be found in the following names: very much in lemon, black currant, cranberry, blueberry, dogrose, strawberry, strawberry, garlic, sour and sweet and sour apples, other citrus fruits, in tomatoes and other products.

• Vitamin D - an indispensable assistant forfull-fledged assimilation of calcium. People who get the necessary amount of this vitamin, healthy teeth and bones, they are less prone to fractures. In addition, vitamin D is also necessary for the immune system. You can get it by being in the sun, and among the food products this vitamin is rich in marine fish.

• Vitamin E (or tocopherol) - protects cellstissues from the effects of free oxygen radicals. In our body, it comes with vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, linseed), cereals (wheat, oat flakes, millet, buckwheat), as well as a lot of vitamin E in egg yolks and nuts.

Without vitamins, food loses all usefulproperties, that's why vitaminization of food is important. Make sure that fresh vegetables and fruits are on your table every day. But keep in mind that vitamins in food do not last long, so they need to be fresh.

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