Calorie black bread threatens the figure?
Many modern dietitians say thatthe most useful for humans are simple and traditional products. For us, apples and cabbage are much more useful than overseas fruits and vegetables. Eastern spices, for example, do not harm the health of those whose ancestors used them for centuries for food. What kind of product can be considered primordially Russian, traditional? Of course, black bread!
Such useful black bread
Before talking about all the useful and evenmiraculous properties of black bread, it is worth to briefly dwell on what ingredients should be included in real black bread. Traditional rye bread does not contain any synthetic additives, it mainly contains rye flour, water, salt and a special lactic ferment. It is prepared using a special technology of fermenting ingredients. This technology helps to preserve the most useful properties of grain.
The benefits of black bread are undeniable, because in histhe composition includes many vitamins, for example, vitamins A and E. These vitamins are known to many as vitamins of beauty, because they along with other functions support the skin and hair in perfect condition. Rye bread also contains B vitamins, minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron and many others.
The composition of rye bread includes coarse fibers. Eating black bread positively affects digestion. However, people with high acidity, as well as with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis and ulcers, should be careful. They prefer to choose bread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour.
It's not for nothing that our ancestors, whose weighty portion of the ration consisted of rye bread, had much stronger health and had far fewer chronic diseases.
Spring - the time of diets and ... beriberi
It's no secret that with the arrival of spring, allwe want to look better, younger, slimmer and fresher. At the same time, any doctor will tell us that for the body - spring is perhaps the most difficult time. Firstly, the winter cold is behind us, and secondly, there are almost no vitamins in our food. Fruits and vegetables that survived the winter in storage, podrasteryali most of their useful properties, and overseas products do not always bring our health the expected benefits. Spring is a time of exacerbation of many chronic diseases. And if in our aspirations for transformation on the eve of the summer season we will torture the body with diets, it is not far off to a disaster.
That's why foods for a diet should be chosentraditional, traditional, useful and ... low-calorie! The ideal product for enriching the spring diet will be black bread. Many people doubt the caloric value of black bread. Let's figure it out.
Caloric content of black bread
Caloric content of black bread is not as high asit is considered. Many supporters of diets, avoiding flour products, out of habit, exclude black bread from their menu. And in vain. The approximate caloric value of black bread ranges from 150 to 200 calories per 100 grams, depending on the variety. Caloric content of bread Borodinsky, loved by many, about 200 calories. Only in contrast to wheat bread, real black bread does not contain yeast, but it is rich in coarse fibers, carbohydrates of black bread are digested much more slowly. Thanks to fiber, even cleansing of the intestine from slags occurs. So the figure does not threaten anything.
Doctors say that daily useblack bread is the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, it has a beneficial effect on digestion, on the skin condition and even protects against cancer. It is important only, buying in the store an aromatic loaf of black bread, do not be too lazy to study the composition. There should not be specified any preservative, improver, baking powder and other chemicals.