What products dilute the blood?
Such a term as blood thinning, inthere is no medical practice. This process means a reduction in clotting or viscosity of the blood. It is necessary to reduce this indicator to reduce the risk of thrombophlebitis and angina pectoris, varicose veins and infarction, as well as atherosclerosis and vegeto-vascular dystonia. It is necessary to optimize the viscosity and in order to quickly get rid of these pathologies.
Blood thickens, as a rule, with age. In this case, there are dangerous pathologies listed above. Traditional medicine recommends elderly people taking tablets of the drug "Aspirin" in a dosage of ¼. However, there are more effective and simple means to eliminate this problem.
What foods are liquefying blood
Lowering the clotting factor is possible withuse of a significant volume of fluid. Thus it is recommended to eat cucumbers. In the composition of this vegetable water is almost ninety-seven percent. There are products that dilute the blood in thrombosis. Reducing this pathology contributes to the juice of red grapes. Daily use of this drink in the amount of one hundred grams will significantly reduce (by 75%) platelet activity. Cranberry tea helps with this pathology. The drink, brewed from two spoonfuls of berries in a glass of boiling water, perfectly reduces the clotting factor.
What other products dilute the blood? Those in which iodine is present. In this case, sea kale. This product effectively reduces the viscosity of blood, and also significantly contributes to an increase in the tone of the vascular walls. You can include sea kale in the menu and in dried form.
At a high value of the viscosity index, almonds and walnuts should be present in the menu. Daily dosage should not be more than a tablespoon.
Simple remedies for a serious ailment
What products dilute the blood and should be constantlyto be present in the menu? This is garlic and Bulgarian red pepper. Effectively reduce the value of the viscosity index of tomatoes, melon and grapefruit, cherry and cherry.
Which products dilute the blood as much as possibleeffectively? This is ginkgo biloba and sweet clover grass. Helps reduce blood viscosity and dry red wine. He is drunk one glass a day, along with a meal.
To rectify the situation will help bitter chocolate containing more than seventy percent of cocoa, as well as lemon, beet and coffee, calanchoe or aloe juice and sunflower seeds.
Pathologies associated with thickening of the blood are treatedusing pion and medunitsa, hazel and chicory, dodging wormwood and lemon balm, red clover and hawthorn, willow bark and Caucasian dioscorea, mulberry and acacia, and horse chestnut.