/ / Analog "Tonzilgo" cheaper than it. "Tonsilgon N": reviews of doctors, instruction

The analogue of "Tonzilgon" is cheaper than it. "Tonsilgon N": reviews of doctors, instruction

"Tonzylgon H" is a medicinala means of plant origin for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Among its properties, one can note a pronounced antiseptic, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

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The drug has a lot of positive reviews of doctorsand patients and shows excellent value for money. The cost of the medicine is 270 rubles for dragees and 280 rubles for drops, but you can find an analogue of "Tonzilgo" cheaper. For those who want to save money and do not overpay for medicines, it is possible to pick up a remedy with a similar effect, but at a lower price. This article contains all the information you are interested in about the drug "Tonzilgon N": instructions, doctors' reviews, analogues, which are cheaper.

Form of release and operating components

This drug is available in two forms:

  • Drops in a 100 ml bottle.
  • Dragee round in a light blue shade.

The main active substances of the drug,regardless of the form of release, are extracts of medicinal plants: the roots of the althaea, the grass of the yarrow and horsetail, the flowers of dandelion officinalis and chamomile, the leaves of walnut and the oak bark.

In the drops, these substances are in the form of alcoholsolution with the addition of purified water. The dragee also contains additional ingredients: potato and maize starch, lactose, glucose monohydrate, silicon dioxide, stearic acid and shell components.

How does the medicine work?

The complex of medicinal plants renderseffective and mild antiseptic effect on the human body. Yarrow, marshmallow, chamomile and oak bark have flavonoids, polysaccharides, and essential oils in their composition. They help reduce inflammation and reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

also analogues tonzillingona
It was noted that the active substances of the drug contribute to the strengthening of immunity.

At what diseases is the drug shown?

"Tonzilgon H" is assigned under the following conditions:

  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • With ARVI as a preventive tool to prevent complications.
  • For infections caused by bacteria (angina) as an additional remedy for antibiotic therapy.

The drug in the form of drops can be used as a local remedy, as well as for inhalations.

Who is contraindicated with the drug?

This drug in the form of drops is not recommended to be taken under the following circumstances:

  • Alcoholism.
  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

With caution, this medicine is prescribed in childhood, in the presence of diseases of the brain, liver, and also with CCT.

DONGER TONSILGON N is not recommended if availablehypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 6 years of age, as well as people with intolerance to fructose and lactose, lactose or sugar-isomaltase deficiency, as well as glucose-galactose malabsorption.

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Doctors in case of contraindications prescribe to patients the use of other medications, also analogues of "Tonzilgo".

When treating this drug, there may be side effects: nausea, vomiting and allergies. If these effects occur, stop taking the medication.

How to take the medicine correctly?

Dragee "Tonzilgon N" is taken 2 times 5-6 times a day, regardless of food intake, with a small amount of water.

Before using the medication in the form ofsolution, you should shake the bottle. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 25 drops. They should be divided into 5 or 6 receptions per day and taken regardless of meals. The manufacturer recommends for the most effective absorption of medicinal substances, hold the solution for a while in the mouth, and then swallow. When removing the crisis, the frequency of intake should be reduced to three times a day and take this scheme for another week.

For the treatment of acute and chronic tracheitis,pharyngitis, laryngitis, it is recommended to perform inhalation with the drug Tonzilgon N with the use of a nebulizer. To do this, dilute the drug with 0.9% saline in a ratio of 1: 3 for babies under the age of one year and 1: 2 for older children.

cheaper analogs

If the daily medication intake has been exceeded, then there may be vomiting or nausea. In this case, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic therapy.

Can I combine with other medicines?

Doctors consider this drug quiteeffective, but usually recommend it as an adjunct to the main treatment. Often, "Tonzilgon N" is combined with taking antibiotics. In case of complex application with other medicines, negative consequences were not found.


Currently, the drug "Tonzilgon N" does not havestructural analogues with the same active components. If you need to replace this medicine for one reason or another, you should consult a doctor with the question: "This medication does not help me, what should I do?" Or "Tell me a cheaper analogue of Tonzillon." The doctor will choose a suitable drug from the ATX group of the 4th level, which are used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Among the medicines that can replace "Tonzilgon", the cheaper analogue can be chosen from the following names:

  • "Antigrippin-Maximum".
  • Cofex.
  • Suprema-Broncho.
  • "Doctor Mom."
  • Tonzipret.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.


This drug is an analogue of Tonzilgon. It is cheaper, since the price for a powdered product is up to 140 rubles, and for a capsule - 250 rubles.

tonsilon and analogues cheaper
This drug refers to analgesic, antipyretic, antiviral, angioprotective, antiallergic, interferonogenic and anti-inflammatory drugs. There are 3 forms of release:

  • Powder for the preparation of a solution, whichis taken internally. It contains rimantadine, paracetamol, lorantadine, ascorbic acid, calcium gluconate and additional substances (lactose, aspartame, hypromellose, etc.).
  • Capsules of type "P" include paracetamol and auxiliary components (starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, etc.).
  • Capsules of type "P" contain rimantadine, lorantadine, ascorbic acid, rutozide, calcium gluconate monohydrate.

This drug is prescribed for treatment in patientsinfluenza A and SARS with manifestations in the form of headache and muscle pain, fever and intoxication. This tool can easily replace "Tonzilgon". The analogue is cheaper, for children, however, it must be used with extreme caution. Powder should not be given to patients under 12 years of age, and capsules are contraindicated up to 18 years. Also, patients are alarmed by the huge number of contraindications and possible side effects. Doctors recommend carefully read the instructions before use.


This combination drug is effectivewill help with a cough caused by a cold, and is positioned as an analog of "Tonzilgon". Cheaper it is approximately 2 times and costs from 120 rubles. The structure of "Cofex" includes chlorpheniramine, codeine phosphate and additional components in the form of sweeteners, citric acid, flavorings. The medicine is an orange syrup with a pleasant aroma and taste. It is prescribed for allergic or dry cough caused by infection, to patients from the age of two. Reviews about this medicine are cautious and negative. The drug has a lot of contraindications, side effects and dangerous consequences for an overdose. The main active ingredient - codeine refers to the narcotic and can be addictive. Many doctors speak out against the appointment of his children. In case you need to urgently get rid of coughing attacks, "Kofeks" is appointed only by a doctor and taken in a hospital.

Suprema Broncho

This syrup is also of vegetable originand is known to medicine as an analogue. "Tonzilgo". It is cheaper twice, its price is in the range of 120-160 rubles. The Suprema-Broncho syrup contains extracts of medicinal plants: licorice, turmeric, pepper, vasaki, basil, ginger, nightshade, cardamom and menthol.

tonylgon drops analogue cheaper
These ingredients cause an expectorant,bronchodilator, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug. It can be prescribed for ARVI, laryngitis (including acute), bronchitis (also for smokers), initial pertussis, pharyngitis, influenza and tracheitis. It is rather difficult to find cheaper Tonzilgon analogues, which would have such a small number of contra-indications and side effects than Superprima Broncho. It is not suitable only for allergy sufferers and children under three years of age, since it can cause hypersensitivity.

Doctor Mom

Drugs "Doctor Mom" ​​are cheaper in comparison with "Tonzilgon". There are three forms of the drug:

  • A syrup that contains levomenthol and extractsadatodes of vanilla, basil, ginger, nightshade, licorice, aloe, turmeric, elecampane, pepper cubebe, terminology of whiteberry and additional components in the form of sweeteners and flavorings. The drug has expectorant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-edematous and antipyretic effect. The cost of the syrup is 145 rubles.
  • Pastilles have in their composition levomenthol,extracts of licorice, ginger, embryo medicinal and flavor additives. They have analgesic, antiseptic, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory effect. The price of pastilles is 100 rubles.
  • Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​contains levomenthol, camphor,thymol, eucalyptus oil, muscat and turpentine. Due to this composition, the agent has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, distracting and local irritant effect. The price of the ointment is 150 rubles.

Lollipops and syrup "Doctor Mom" ​​are prescribed for laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis. Ointment is recommended for rhinitis due to ARVI, pain in the muscles, back and headache.

toningon analog is cheaper for children

Syrup is not recommended for children under three years of age,pregnant and lactating women, as well as allergy sufferers. Lozenges are contraindicated in patients younger than 18 years. The ointment also has contraindications: allergies, whooping cough, the tendency to convulsions, false groats, the age of up to three years. Reviews of patients and doctors about this tool are positive, however, side effects may occur. Therefore, you should carefully follow the doctor's recommendations and instructions to the drug.


This medicine refers tocomplex homeopathic preparations and is allowed for use in patients older than one year. It has an anesthetic, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect, so it replaces "Tonzilgon N" perfectly. The analogue is cheaper, its cost is 140-200 rubles. This drug is available in two dosage forms:

  • Tablets include phytolacus americana, guaiacum, capsicum and additional components (lactose, starch).
  • Drops contain the same active substances, but on an alcohol basis.

Drugs are prescribed for complex therapysore throats and reviews are positive. It is worth considering that the medicine can cause allergies and digestive disorders. "Tonzipret" is contraindicated in patients with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnant and lactating women, as well as with lactase deficiency. If you compare this remedy with the medicine "Tonzilgon" drops, the analog is cheaper and safer, it perfectly removes the pain and sore throat.

It is worth mentioning that the analogue is capable ofappoint only a doctor. Each of the drugs has its own clear indications and contraindications, which should be taken into account in the individual characteristics of the patient.

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