/ / Catarrhal sinusitis: etiology, manifestations and methods of treatment

Catarrhal sinusitis: etiology, manifestations and methods of treatment

Catarrhal sinusitis is one of the forms of sinusitis, characterized by an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses and edema of the mucous membrane without the formation of pus.

catarrhal sinusitis
The most common cause of the diseasebecomes hypothermia, viral infections, the effect of bacterial flora - staphylococci, streptococci or fungi, dental caries, chronic tonsillitis, as well as frequent tonsillitis. To provoke a catarrhal sinusitis can curvature of a septum of a nose. It is worth noting that very often this pathology acquires a chronic course, therefore requires timely treatment.

Catarrh of the maxillary: symptoms

Depending on the form of the disease, complaints cansomewhat differ. Thus, acute catarrhal sinusitis is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, heaviness in the frontal region and drawing pains in this zone, difficult breathing and lacrimation. Nasal discharge is also characteristic, which first have a grayish color, and then acquire a green tint, become viscous and dense.

acute catarrh of the maxillary sinusitis
Chronic catarrhal sinusitis is manifestedless severe symptoms. Most often, patients complain of an increase in temperature to 37 ° C, headache, and nasal congestion. With ineffective or untimely treatment at night, cough may appear. This is due to the fact that the discharge runs down the nasopharynx and irritates the mucous membrane.

It should be noted that in some cases,bilateral pathological process. Thus patients complain of the expressed zalozhennost a nose, puffiness of the face and a pain arising at head inclinations.

Sometimes this disease can provoke a number ofsevere complications (meningitis, purulent otitis, the formation of an abscess in the brain or osteomyelitis). They can end lethal or lead to disability, so when signs of maxillary sinusitis should not engage in self-treatment and apply traditional methods of therapy. The best option would be to see a doctor who will conduct all necessary examinations and determine the amount of treatment.

Treatment of catarrhal sinusitis

If this disease occurs, differential diagnosis should be made with neuralgia of the facial nerve, tooth cyst or with another form of sinusitis.

treatment of catarrhal sinusitis
Most often, drug treatment is carried out,also apply physiotherapy procedures. If the treatment is ineffective, a maxillary sinusitis can be performed (puncture of the affected maxillary sinus). Of the conservative techniques most commonly used nasal washing, instillation of vasoconstrictor drops, heating with ultraviolet lamps, as well as the intake of antibiotics and antipyretic drugs.

It is worth noting that all medical eventsare used to reduce edema and release nasal passages from pathological discharge. With the timely conduct of therapy, catarrhal sinusitis is well treatable and rarely provokes the development of dangerous complications.

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