/ / Ring-shaped erythema

Erythema ring-shaped

Chronic disease is toxic-allergic orinfectious nature - annular erythema. It is characterized by the formation on the skin of non-peeling spots, which tend to form foci of annular shape. More often men of young age are exposed to the disease.

The etiology of annular erythema remainsunidentified. Toxico-allergic and infectious nature is confirmed by cases of the onset of the disease in the pathology of the stomach and intestines, foci of chronic infection (tonsillitis, sinusitis, adnexitis), immune disorders, dysproteinemia. There are hereditary forms of the disease.

Clinical picture

Ring-shaped erythema is characterized by formationon the skin of the trunk, the limbs of numerous edematous spots, which are coin-shaped and not slopes to peeling. They are edematous, pinkish or reddish in color, prone to fusion, eccentric growth. As a result of the latter, bizarre polycyclic figures, rings, garlands fringed with roll-like edematous edges of a dense consistency in the form of a cord embedded in the dermis are formed. Similar spotted annular formations can appear inside the foci. The central zones of the skin are somewhat sunken, slightly cyanotic. In some patients, nodular erythema can be atypical. At the same time there are purpurotic, vesicular rashes, telangiectasias.

The disease is characterized by a lack ofexpressed subjective disorders. Patients complain of burning and a slight itch. Ring-shaped erythema in children has more pronounced clinical symptoms. The disease has a paroxysmal course. Rashes disappear without a trace, but they are replaced by others. However, after a few months the disease can spontaneously self-heal. Quite often there are recurrences of ring-shaped erythema.

Methods of research

To diagnose a skin biopsy is used,which helps to detect concomitant diseases of an infectious or toxic-allergic nature that provoke the appearance of foci. To exclude syphilitic lesions, the rash at which are similar to annular erythema, conduct a serological study. A comprehensive clinico-laboratory examination is also performed to detect and treat pathology of internal organs.

Differential diagnosis

Ring-shaped erythema is not enougha common diagnosis. Therefore, when a pathological rash is detected, it is necessary to correctly diagnose, compare it with other skin diseases. Such diseases include toxicoderma, fungal skin diseases, other erythema (pink lichen, annular granuloma), leprosy, lupus erythematosus. The main methods that help in diagnosing are laboratory tests, skin biopsy.


The principle of treatment of this disease iselimination of the effects of factors that cause it (sinusitis, tonsillitis). Appointed hyposensitizing drugs (sodium thiosulfate, antihistamines, calcium preparations), recommended hypoallergic diet, topically prescribed ointments, which contain glucocorticoids. For the treatment of concomitant infectious diseases, antibiotic therapy is used. Also, vitamins of groups A, E, B, immunostimulating therapy are prescribed.

Ring-shaped erythema has a favorable prognosis. Prevention of the disease is to cleanse the foci in which there is a chronic infection, the normalization of the function of the stomach and intestines.

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