/ What is oral leukoplakia?

What is the leukoplakia of the mouth?

Leukoplakia of the oral cavity most often representsa defeat of the mucous membrane with hyperkeratosis (increased keratinization). Most often the disease is characterized by the appearance of foci of compaction in the tongue, in the corners of the mouth, on the mucous cheeks, and a feeling of slight burning or itching. When carrying out therapeutic measures, leukoplakia can disappear, but in some cases it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm and is subject to surgical excision. Leukoplakia of the oral cavity can be detected during a primary examination with a dentist, but only a biopsy can confirm this diagnosis.

The causes of leukoplakia

Most often leukoplakia of the oral cavity occurs inpeople who have frequent contact of the oral mucosa with irritants, mainly in heavy smokers and in individuals who abuse strong liquor. Leukoplakia can also develop due to the constant use of spices, hot and spicy foods, as well as long-term treatment with certain medications. Sometimes the cause of leukoplakia is incorrect selection of prostheses, as well as mechanical trauma of the mouth with sharp edges of the teeth.

What does the oral leukoplakia look like?

The focus of leukoplakia isplaques of gray and white color 2-4 centimeters in diameter, most often they do not rise above the skin and may be imperceptible at first glance. Sometimes the foci of leukoplakia have sharp angles, scalloped outlines and rise above the skin, their surface is often ulcerated and heterogeneous. As a rule, such foci are formed within a few months and only after that their diagnosis becomes possible. Pain and burning at the initial stage may be absent, but in any case there is an increased sensitivity to extraneous stimuli.

Why is leukoplakia dangerous?

Leukoplakia of the oral cavity is considered sluggishpathology, as a rule, her symptoms then manifest themselves, then subsided for many years. Nevertheless, there is no reverse development, later the lesion area increases, the plaques become denser, ulceration and small cracks appear. This condition is often regarded as precancerous, since leukoplakia has the property of degenerating into cancer. Hairy leukoplakia is often found in patients with HIV infection, it looks like grayish plaques covered with villi.

Leukoplakia of the oral cavity. Treatment and prognosis for the future

Treatment of leukoplakia of the oral cavity iselimination of the source of irritation is the rejection of bad habits, timely dental treatment, sharpening of sharp edges and proper selection of prostheses. In some cases, a cryodestruction of the affected area is shown, after which a course of chemotherapy is prescribed. For intake of a set of vitamin preparations (A, B, E, C), which will need to be taken once in six months. Independent use of external agents for the treatment of leukoplakia (creams, ointments, tinctures) is strictly prohibited, since in this case there is a possibility of degeneration of the disease into a cancer tumor.

Signs of degeneration of leukoplakia into a malignant tumor:

  • erosion;
  • bleeding;
  • papillary growths;
  • rapid increase in plaques in size;
  • seal the tissues at the base.

In general, the prognosis in the treatment of leukoplakiaquite favorable, especially if the treatment of the disease is started in a timely manner. In order to avoid problems it is necessary to visit the dentist once a year for preventive examination, get rid of bad habits and listen carefully to any signals of your body.

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