/ / Hematology Analyzer - Area of ​​Application and Principle of Work

Hematological analyzer - scope and principle of operation

In veterinary laboratory practice,and in medicine, for a comprehensive examination of animals and the diagnosis of a disease, sometimes you have to resort to establishing a picture of blood. It is for this purpose that scientists have developed a special device - a hematological analyzer. Initially, these devices were used only in medical institutions for people, later they were adapted for the study of animal blood.

Veterinary hematology analyzer - the principle of work

hematological analyzer
To date, there are many companies,releasing analyzers for counting the blood cells of animals, both agricultural and domestic pets. In many respects, they differ in the set of options, but most of them have a general principle of operation.

During the passage of blood through a specialFlow cell creates such conditions, where the cells are arranged in a certain order one after another. When the shaped elements fall under the action of a laser beam, so-called information reading occurs. Further, the characteristics of blood cells are estimated according to the following parameters: electrical resistance, capacitance and light scattering.

It is known that any cell (leukocyte, platelet, erythrocyte, etc.) has its own, characteristic only for it parameters: size, volume, density, conductivity, etc.

By measuring the resistance of cells, the size is determined, and the total number is also counted.

hematological analyzer veterinary
The measurement of capacitance enables the apparatus to judge the structure of the cell, its density, the size of the nucleus.

Finally, the light scattering property givesthe ability to assess the granularity and structure of the surface of cells, remove information about the segmentation of the nucleus and determine the ratio of cells to a particular type of leukocytes.

To improve the quality of research in the modern hematology analyzer integrate additional functions, such as:

  • sample preparation of the test material, which is carried out directly inside the device;
  • improvement of software, which allows more accurate measurement of cell parameters.

In the study of blood with the help ofhematological analyzer can be used to count blood cells and determine various parameters: leukocytes and their populations, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, platelets, lymphocytes, ESR, hematocrit, the volume of different types of blood cells, the detection of pathological inclusions and much more.

Hematological analyzer veterinary - field of application

veterinary hematology analyzer
If we are talking about farm animals,then today the hematological analyzer is used most often to detect cows, patients with leukosis of cattle, or carriers of this virus. The disease causes great harm to livestock. And only early detection of carriage, timely separation of healthy animals from patients can improve and rid the herd of leukemia.

Earlier counting of leukocytes, definition of a pictureblood was done manually. This required a lot of time and labor, with the advent of the same high-tech equipment, the process was significantly simplified, and the effectiveness of identifying sick animals increased significantly.

In veterinary practice, concerning smallpets, cats or dogs, basically a hematologizer is used to determine a general blood test, measure color index, hemogram, etc.

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