Quartz resonator: principle of operation and field of application
Since the invention of the frequency generator has passedalready a lot of time. Developers have faced a lot of problems along the way. The goal of the designers of the whole planet was to create a generator that would be able to produce a stable frequency at the output. It is on it that the work of digital devices is based: computers, microprocessors, quartz clocks, etc. Getting a stable frequency that does not depend on parameters such as temperature or running time meant a breakthrough in the construction of electronic circuits and the ability to design new electronic devices. The situation changed radically from the moment when the quartz resonator appeared. This small compact device allows "miracles" in electronics.

Miniature devices based on resonatorswidely used in radio electronics. A good example of this can serve as measuring microprobe, heterodyne. With their help, stable and reliable devices have appeared. In the popular game "hunting for foxes" devices based on these elements are used.

Modern electronics can not abandonapplication of this amazing device. I wonder how your computer would work if the pulse generator of the reference frequency in the processor suddenly began to produce an unstable frequency? This would lead to a malfunctioning of the entire system, and, most likely, to its hovering.
The so-called quartz resonator is the "heart" of almost any digital device. Without it, the computer or laptop will stop working, there will be no Internet and mobile communications.
Also worth noting that the development of these devices is along the path of minimizing the size and increasing the operating frequency.