/ / "Lipobase" (cream): instructions, references, analogues

"Lipobase" (cream): instructions, reviews, analogues

Dry skin is a problem for many people. Such a state of integument can be associated with a lack of moisture in the upper layer of the epidermis. To get rid of this cosmetic problem, experts recommend using special means. One of them is the drug "Lipobase" (cream).

lipobase cream

Form, composition, packaging

Lipobase is a cream for external use. On sale it comes in laminated tubes of 75 ml.

The composition of this tool includes: Emulsion base, purified water, jojoba oil, olive oil, glycerin, avocado oil, vitamin E, shea butter, phytosterols, urea, cyclopentasiloxane, lactic acid, Biochemical Technologies, fenohem, dimethiconol, carbomer, ceramides, sodium hydroxide and vitamin A.

It should also be noted that the presentedthere is another form. Emulsion "Lipobase" is produced in plastic bottles with a volume of 250 ml. It contains avocado oil, BHT, dimethiconol, jojoba oil, vitamin E, shea butter, cyclopentasiloxane, glycerol, phenochem, urea, sodium hydroxide, lactic acid, phytosterols, ceramides, carbomer and vitamin A.

Features of the tool

Lipobase is a cosmetic cream intended for professional skin care, prone to dryness, itching, irritation, eczema and various dermatitis.

Thanks to the presence of ceramides and natural oils, this product supports protection and restores covers from aggressive environments, infections and allergens.

One can not help saying that the components of this drug nourish the skin, soften it and make it smooth and supple.

Lactic acid and carbamide are natural ingredients, moisturizing covers, as well as attracting and retaining moisture.

lipobase cream user manual

According to the instructions, "Lipobase" (cream), analogues of which are presented below, contributes to:

  • saturation of the skin with physiological ceramides and lipids;
  • elimination of dryness, irritation and itching;
  • restoration of the protective function of the skin;
  • double mechanism of moistening;
  • softening of the skin;
  • elasticity and smoothness of the covers.

Component properties

Why is the effectiveness of thiscosmetic preparation, like "Lipobase"? The cream has a beneficial effect on the skin due to its composition. Let's consider features of its components in more details.

Olive oil contains a whole complexuseful components that favorably affect the skin of the face and body. This ingredient is very important for dry epidermis, since it has a huge amount of such a moisturizing ingredient as squalene.

Avocado oil has anti-aging, nourishing and moisturizing properties. This ingredient contains vitamins and phytohormones that nourish skin cells.

Jojoba oil is a cosmetic oil. It eliminates flabbiness and dry skin. This component is especially useful for dry epidermis in the winter season. It eliminates peeling, soothes irritation and relieves stonality.

Shea butter includes triglycerides,karisteroly and vitamins, which restore the water-fat balance of skin tissues. This component is added to many cosmetic products and is very effective at dry covers.

cream lipobase instruction

Borage oil has a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which are necessary for dry skin.

What role do ceramides play in Lipobase cream? These substances restore the lipid matrix of tissues. They help to soften the skin and fill them with all the necessary components.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. It prevents wilting and aging of cells.

Urea is a moisturizer of the epidermis. The lack of this component leads to dry skin.

Lactic acid is referred to the class of fruit acids. They eliminate coarsening of the epithelium, and also give this layer elasticity and smoothness.

Indications for use

What is the purpose of the Lipobase cream? The instruction informs about the following indications:

  • severe dry skin, which is accompanied by irritation;
  • severe dryness of the skin, which is accompanied by itching and flaking;
  • dryness and irritation of the skin after exposure to the sun, in the cold or sunbed;
  • restoration of integuments after intensive medical procedures or cosmetological influences (for example, various cleansings, peelings, hormonal creams and ointments);
  • skin care for eczema and chronic dermatitis.

As for the emulsion, it is used for:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • chronic dermatitis (including atopic dermatitis, eczema, etc.);
  • sunburn and weathering.

lipobase cream analogues

Lipobase (cream): instructions for use

This drug should be applied to dermalsites with the phenomena of dryness, itching and irritation. Such procedures must be carried out twice a day. The duration of use of the drug is not limited.

As for the emulsion "Lipobase", it is appliedon a clean skin of a thin layer. This form of the drug is desirable to use after each shower or bath. The duration of application of the emulsion is also not limited.

Reviews and Analogues

The drug "Lipobase" (cream), the instruction forthe use of which has been described above, is a very effective cosmetic. This is the opinion of most consumers. They argue that this remedy very quickly and easily removes dry skin and restores the epidermis. In addition, this drug can be replaced with gel "Vom with Shaperonami", "Revidox", jojoba oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil, "Hepiderm" and others.

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