/ / Fucidine (cream). Instructions

Fucidine (cream). Instructions

Futsidin (cream) instruction is categorized asantibiotic means of polycyclic structure. The active ingredient is sodium fusidate. The above component is included in the group of antimicrobial compounds, fusidins.

The mechanism of action of the "Fucidine" (cream)The instruction relates to the ability to disrupt protein synthesis in a bacterial cell. The active component is sensitive to gram-negative microorganisms, staphylococcus aureus, corynebacteria, pseudomonas, and streptococci.

Fucidine (cream) Instruction. Indications

The drug is prescribed for bacterial skin infections in adults and children (including newborns).

Contraindicated in hypersensitivity medicine.

Fucidine (cream). Instructions for use

The drug is applied topically, topically three times a day to the affected area. The recommended duration of the treatment course is ten days.

When using the drug "Fucidin" reviews, bothrule, positive. Medication in extremely rare cases can cause a negative reaction. As an undesirable manifestation of the patients noted itching, dryness, irritation, tingling and burning sensation on the skin. Also, a rash (pustular, maculopapular, erythematous), eczema, contact dermatitis, urticaria, erythema, periorbital and angioneurotic edema is likely.

Penetration of the drug into the eye can cause irritation of the conjunctiva.

Despite the fact that experimental andclinical studies do not confirm the teratogenic or embryotoxic effect of the drug, during the period of feeding and bearing, the medicine should be applied on the recommendation of a specialist and under his supervision.

Shelf life is three years. After this period, the use of the drug is prohibited. In pharmacies, a medication is available upon presentation of a prescription.

It should be noted that today there is a massdrugs that can be used for skin inflammatory diseases. However, not every remedy is effective. To a greater extent, specialists associate this with the individual characteristics of the patient's body. In this case it should be noted that the drug "Futsidin" (cream), testimonials indicate this, it is effective enough when applied in accordance with the indications. This tool is widely used in dermatological practice.

Futsidin also proved to be effective in the treatmentacne. The active component of the drug, penetrating into the inflamed tissue, eliminates microorganisms that contribute to the development of acne. It is recommended for this disease to apply the drug locally, applying the cream to the areas of inflammation. It is advisable to use Fucidine after cleansing the face with hygienic lotions.

Many patients respond positively todrug after elimination and more serious than acne, problems. Thus, the effect of fucidine in carbuncles, sycosis of the beard, hydradenitis, folliculitis, furuncles is noted. The drug is allowed to use and in combination with other antibacterial and antiseptic drugs.

Fucidin is also often prescribed in pediatrics, withtreatment of skin diseases of children. The drug is effective in inflammation of the skin of newborns. However, the use of medication in infants should be monitored by a specialist.

The drug in the form of ointment is more often used in the treatmentinfected wounds. This is due to the greasy consistency of this dosage form. The cream is suitable for use on the face skin. Its consistency is softer.

Before using the drug, it is necessary to identify the absence of hypersensitivity to it.

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