Hilak Forte - quick and effective help
"Hilak Forte" - a medical preparation, the basiswhich are the germ-free water substrates of metabolic products of microorganisms that constantly inhabit the intestine. This drug is available in drops, each vial has a dosing device.
"Hilak Forte" is used for regulationbalance of intestinal microflora. This drug helps its recovery and helps normalize and maintain normal pH values in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, unfavorable conditions are created for further propagation of pathogenic microorganisms and sanation of the intestine is provided. "Hilak Forte" contributes to the normalization of natural production in the body of vitamins of group K and B, and also improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the presence of fatty acids in this medical preparation, microflora is restored, the recovery of intestinal epithelial cells is stimulated, and the water-electrolyte balance is restored.
The course of treatment "Hilak Forte" is prescribed for the following diseases:
- with the appearance of violations of the intestinal microflora due to treatment with antibiotics, radiation therapy and sulfonamides;
- in the presence of a syndrome of insufficiency of digestion, and also at occurrence of a dyspepsia;
- In the presence of diseases such as flatulence, colitis, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, constipation;
- with the appearance of the syndrome of the elderly intestine;
- in case of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract due to climate change;
- in the presence of the patient's hypo- and anacid status, including during pregnancy;
- in the presence of eczema, urticaria drug is used during the complex therapy;
- if the patient has enterogenic liver or gall bladder disease;
- in carrying out restorative treatment after a person has recovered from salmonellosis, even in infants.
"Hilak Forte" from acne
Many patients may wonder, than helpthis drug from the appearance of acne. But in reality this problem is not on the surface of the skin, but comes from the inside. When the appearance of acne should go not to the cosmetologist, but to the gastroenterologist and look for the cause of their occurrence. It is the appearance of acne is a sign in the violation of the digestive tract. Reception Hilak Forte will help to restore its full work, and pimples will disappear themselves.
"Hilak Forte" - the way of application and dose
This drug is used internally, while itspreliminary it is necessary to dissolve in any liquid which to take in a small amount, it is better not to use milk. Take it must be either during eating or in advance. For an adult it is necessary to take from 40 to 60 drops, for children - 20-40, and for infants - 15-30 drops of the drug 3 times a day. If there was a noticeable improvement in the state of health, do not immediately stop taking the drug, you just have to halve the dose.
When using this drug is possibleoccurrence of side effects, such as the manifestation of an allergic reaction in the form of itching, rash, urticaria, the appearance of constipation or diarrhea. It is not recommended to use this product together with dairy products.
After the vial with the drug is opened, it can be used for 6 weeks, the main thing is that the drug is not at a temperature of more than 25 degrees.
The use of "Hilak Forte" is recommended and thoracicchildren, and pregnant women. The use of this drug helps to regulate the work of the intestine and restore the disturbed balance in its microflora. Admission of this drug preserves and restores the biological and physiological functions of the entire mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.