/ / How to treat nephritis of the kidneys

How to treat nephritis of the kidneys

Nephritis of the kidneys is a serious inflammatory disease of individual areas or the entire organ, in which renal glomeruli, tubules or renal tissue are affected.

There are three main types of disease: glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and interstitial kidney nephritis. Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of an autoimmune nature. Overflow into the chronic form often becomes the reason of a renal insufficiency of the person. Pyelonephritis is a common inflammatory process in the kidney caused by the penetration of a bacterial infection into the body. As a rule, this is the most frequent lesion of the kidneys, which can be both acute and chronic. Interstitial nephritis of the kidneys is accompanied by a lesion of the intermediate tissue and directly of the renal tubules. In this case, there is a violation of the kidneys.

Very often hereditary or congenital nephritisin children is associated with a mutation of a gene that responds to the work and synthesis of kidney tissue substances. Of course, it is necessary to start the treatment as soon as possible. But first you need to identify the main symptoms. Jade in acute form manifests itself quickly enough. As a rule, against the background of an infectious disease (for example, scarlet fever, angina), the patient begins to complain of unpleasant and painful sensations in the waist and abdomen, there is also a significant increase in body temperature (even up to 39-40 degrees), digestive disorders, various rashes on skin, etc. Very often, swelling of the face, upper and lower extremities can occur, and blood pressure may rise. Also characterized by reduced visual acuity, regular or regular cramps in the legs, upset urination. In this case, the urine acquires a different shade, becomes more turbid, is released in much smaller amounts (taking into account the large volume of liquid drunk).

In chronic form, the symptoms are not so brightare expressed, so the disease worsens. At this stage, there is a gradual defeat of the renal tubules, which leads to impaired renal function. Sometimes in the urine there may be blood (hematuria). Without optimal treatment kidney nephritis regularly makes itself felt.

According to folk recipes must immediatelyclean the patient's stomach and provide plenty of warm drink. It is advisable to take sweatshops and infusions (for example, a decoction of lime-colored leaves, mint leaves, sage, raspberries, dogrose). After this, carefully cover the patient and cover with hot water bottles. This is necessary for a person to sweat.

The decoction of flax seed is also effective. For its preparation, take 1-2 teaspoons and pour a glass of hot water, then bring the mixture to a boil. 2-3 days, take half the glass, previously diluted with water and lemon juice. Helps to quickly clear the kidneys.

To reduce swelling and cleanse the kidneys,to prepare a birch infusion. 2 tablespoons of dried leaves will require 2 glasses of hot water and a pinch of baking soda. Another recipe is the infusion of a hundred thousandths of acres: 1-2 teaspoons of dry herbs, a thousand centner, pour 200 ml of vodka or 100 ml of alcohol, then leave the glass vessel for 7-10 days. Take 1-2 tablespoons three times a day daily (preferably before meals in about half an hour).
At any disturbances in the work of the kidneys, in no case can the body be supercooled, as this leads to an intensification of the inflammatory process.

It is recommended that you periodically take baths withadding decoctions of various herbs and medicines (oat straw, cosmetic clay). As a rule, this helps to improve blood supply, which has a positive effect on the result of treatment.

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