Jade is a very beautiful ornamental stone,It has a pleasant wax shine and a rich color spectrum, representing almost all shades of green - from spring greens to feathers of onions to grayish tones of northern lichens. Quite often there are also white jade, yellowish or naturally patchy in color. The mineral is used with pleasure by jewelers for making various ornaments, figurines, impregnations and instructing caskets, mantel boards, etc.
Properties and spirit of the stone

From ancient times the gem was revered among magicians andother carriers of occult knowledge. King Solomon highly valued such properties of jade-stone as the ability to make the life of its possessor better, richer, to strengthen well-being. Moreover, the mineral has a very beneficial effect on health, activates the physical strength of man, makes him more enduring, increases efficiency. And about how much the wearing of the gem increased the male potential, Solomon himself testified, having countless concubines, mistresses and other charmers. No wonder his love became history and became a household name! Extremely useful properties of jade - a stone-worker - to people engaged in heavy physical or mental work. It can become an excellent talisman for anyone who learns new professions, has gone headlong into science or is trying to penetrate into a completely unfamiliar area of knowledge for himself. And those who are eager to earn some money, people who suffer from a clear lack of money, it is better to carry the appropriate "guardian angel" from the earth's bowels. Of course, admiring the gem, often notice only its aesthetic side and do not pay attention to other properties of jade-stone, which looks so effectively in bracelets, pendants or earrings with pendants. And in fact it can be useful first of all to representatives of air signs - to Aquarius, Libra, Gemini. Their life is often unstable, with sharp leaps and swings from high incomes to almost complete collapse and ruin. To find the ground under your feet and to withstand life and financial storms is a task that the representatives of signs will be able to cope with the properties of jade, a stone that has concentrated in its bowels the energy and tranquility of the Earth itself.

Esotericists believe that the spirit of the mineral lives inunderground depths, in small enclosed spaces. That's why they are reminded of a mole jade-stone. Properties of the sign of the Zodiac, one way or another associated with it, manifests itself in the neighborhood, the creation of its own world, consisting of a garden or kitchen garden, a cozy home, albeit small but glorious. But those who like to travel, looking for adventure and trying to visit other people's lands, the gem is clearly not suitable. After all, the main meaning of jade stone is to protect, protect the personal space of a person from external invasions, help maintain a habitual and comfortable way of life, not to violate it in any way. Moreover - the talisman even helps his owner to cultivate in himself those traits and qualities that enable him to become an inveterate stay-at-home.

What conclusion can be drawn? If you want to purchase jade - think how fit it to your character and how it will affect it.